[Release] Freeroam 2 by Kanersps

@kanersps Okay I finally got it to work, but not with your help. It’s nice that you make this awesome stuff, but really, I dislike your way of communicating with your “customers”… Anyone that needs help adding themselves as admin, using this mod, and using PHPMyAdmin, can ask me for assistance, since it’s really not that hard at all.

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@-Sirion- Do note that @LoPan did something wrong aswell. It took literally 2 seconds to change him to admin.

@kanersps Ok thank you… I check that and lets you know!

Sorry but I having an issue mysql server is setup it connects but soon as a player goes into the server they can not register is does not but spam the console https://imgur.com/a/qElfy

Thank you for reading and hope you can help me.

Good shit man @kanersps. Quick question on spawn locations and player models. I’ve been digging through the scripts of ‘freeroam’ and ‘fivem-map-skater’, I’ve played my own spawn locations which are being overridden when I die. I see my model teleported to custom locs, but one of the lua’s are teleporting me to a random location

Also, I’ve replaced all the player hex model and same thing, only LEO/Military models.

I see that it was all in customizer.lua which client size is coded, but server side requires total rewrite.

tl;dr is customizer.lua in /server/ required I’m assuming for player models. Which .lua is controlling teleportation points?

EDIT: I found the personal vehicle list, I was wondering why I couldn’t get the basic vehicles. The predefined list in personalvehicle.lua and only 3 vehicles listed :), now I know where to look now.

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Only because someone asked…

@exalented said in [Release] Freeroam 2 by Kanersps:

Only because someone asked…

Phpmyadmin won’t provide edit function as some of the tables provided don’t have a unique identifier, we have released a updated\edited mysql database that has unique identifiers for mysql to resolve this issue for our clients (Requires reinstall and drop of tables), if your not a client of ours and use phpmyadmin, as a friendly courtesy\advice, you will need to set a unique identifier in the table before phpmyadmin will let you edit it.

Hope this helps

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@kanersps i just did a clean install and added your new freeroam script.
after that i changed the mysql credentials.
However when i start the server i get this error:

2016-12-21 23:02:48.2254|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error creating script environment for resource freeroam: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
2016-12-21 23:02:48.2329|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] Neo.IronLua.LuaChunk.Run(LuaTable env,Object[] callArgs)
2016-12-21 23:02:48.2341|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] Neo.IronLua.LuaGlobalPortable.DoChunk(LuaChunk chunk,Object[] callArgs)
2016-12-21 23:02:48.2349|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] CitizenMP.Server.Resources.ScriptEnvironment.DoInitFile(Boolean preParse)

then when i try to register i get this error

2016-12-21 23:05:22.7838|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Error executing event handler for event chatMessage in resource freeroam: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7838|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke(Object obj,BindingFlags invokeAttr,Binder binder,Object[] parameters,CultureInfo culture)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7848|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(Object obj,Object[] parameters)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7848|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7848|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.MulticastDelegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7848|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(Object[] args)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7857|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server| at [U] CitizenMP.Server.Resources.ScriptEnvironment.TriggerEvent(String eventName,String argsSerialized,Int32 source)
2016-12-21 23:05:22.7857|ERROR|CitizenMP.Server|Inner exception: Can not call nil value.

I’m getting these errors:

When I start the server:

When I type any command:

and when I type anything, it doesn’t show in the chat, dunno why, I’ve reinstaled the server files and nothing happens.

Please read a few posts back for the fix. Do note that the error easily states what’s wrong as well. It couldn’t find the dll required because it tries to find it in the tdm folder. Change this in register.lua

It seems the error happens when editing mysql, if your wanna edit any value follow these instructions:
(I’m using mysql Workbench 6.3 CE)

1- Click on the edit tab and click preferences, go to SQL Editor and disable the option:

“Safe Updates” Forbid UPDATEs and DELETEs with no key in WHERE clause or no LIMIT clause. Requires a reconnection.

It’s the last option, after disabled, reconnect.

2- After reconnecting, right mouse button click on gta5_gamemode_freeroam Schema, and select set as Default Schema.

3- For adding admin (note that you have already registered in game), type this command as @exalented said:

UPDATE users SET admin=6 WHERE username="[USERNAME]"

replace the [USERNAME] with the username you use in game, it should look like this:

UPDATE users SET admin=6 WHERE username=“SpongeBob”

4- Execute the command and it’s done.

it worked for me
hope it helps you all :slight_smile:


i don’t understand this part:

" You require to run this sql on your mysql server."

No idea what this means or how to run the sql.

I installed everything else fine but /register doesn’t work it just spams the console log.

Because you require a MySQL server. You can google it.

@kanersps so im trying to give myself admin on freeroam and everytime i try to do a command i get invalidcommand and i have admin on the SQL

Cannot believe I didn’t think of this myself… lmao

Hello Guys, i have a Problem with the Freeroam V2 Gamemode.

I installed all files and fixed the location in one file, and installed mysql and imported everything and edited the login info in the config. now i start the server and get this weird error:

Ingame /register wont work and serverconsole gets spammed

What should i do?

EDIT: Console http://i.imgur.com/uP10X3e.png

@nycotrix i have the issue here

Thnk you @kanersps the gamemode works however there are some typos one is purschased where it should be Purchased in the companies /re section

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Is it possible to change the staff colors? (Like now, Moderator is blue, and the rest (Admin, SuperAdmin, Owner) is all red.) I’d love to have some variation, preferably customizing the colors of the names in chat. (For example with RGB color codes.)

I have this problem aswell, cant get the script to work correctly.

Error creating script enviroment for resource freeroam: can not call nil value.

Help please?