[Release] Freeroam 2 by Kanersps

@kanersps so im trying to give myself admin on freeroam and everytime i try to do a command i get invalidcommand and i have admin on the SQL

Cannot believe I didn’t think of this myself… lmao

Hello Guys, i have a Problem with the Freeroam V2 Gamemode.

I installed all files and fixed the location in one file, and installed mysql and imported everything and edited the login info in the config. now i start the server and get this weird error:

Ingame /register wont work and serverconsole gets spammed

What should i do?

EDIT: Console http://i.imgur.com/uP10X3e.png

@nycotrix i have the issue here

Thnk you @kanersps the gamemode works however there are some typos one is purschased where it should be Purchased in the companies /re section

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Is it possible to change the staff colors? (Like now, Moderator is blue, and the rest (Admin, SuperAdmin, Owner) is all red.) I’d love to have some variation, preferably customizing the colors of the names in chat. (For example with RGB color codes.)

I have this problem aswell, cant get the script to work correctly.

Error creating script enviroment for resource freeroam: can not call nil value.

Help please?

@arnamidee try to change the line in lib\MySQL.lua:

“local assembly = reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(‘resources/tdm/lib/MySql.Data.dll’)” to “local assembly = reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom(‘resources/freeroam/lib/MySql.Data.dll’)”

@Streetcorps Same thing :confused:

@Sirion yes indeed:

Line 83 and following:

			local adminlevel = tonumber(Users[GetPlayerName(source)]['admin'])
			if(adminlevel == 1)then
				tag = "MODERATOR"
				color = {0, 0, 255}
			elseif(adminlevel == 2)then
				color = {255, 0, 0}
			elseif(adminlevel == 3)then
				tag = "SUPERADMIN"
				color = {255, 0, 0}
			elseif(adminlevel > 3)then
				tag = "OWNER"
				color = {255, 0, 0}
			TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, tag .. " | " .. GetPlayerName(source), color, message)

255 0 0 is RED in RGB :slight_smile:

@nycotrix You fixed your problem yet? DId you get everything to work? I have the same problem as you have/had.
Please help if you fixed it :slight_smile:

@arnamidee ye i fixed it, i had the problem in the path:

Instead of

"local assembly = reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom('resources/freeroam/lib/MySql.Data.dll')"

i had

"local assembly = reflection.Assembly.LoadFrom('resources/[gamemodes]/freeroam/lib/MySql.Data.dll')"

Maybe the brackets [] were the problem or something else… i just put the freeroam folder into resources folder directly and it worked :slight_smile:

@nycotrix Where did you put the whole server folder?

still cant get it to work :confused:

I have my server like this “C:\server\resources\freeroam\lib” but it should not have anything to do with this i guess?

Just like this:

@nycotrix Hmm, thats very strange, i have tried everything now :confused: Can you maybe zip your folder and PM a link for me to try? :slight_smile:


I have an error 404 when I try to download it :confused:

Someone can provide another link please ?


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Reorganizing everything, will be fixed tomorrow

@kanersps kanersps Tomorrow will be fixed this ’ ?

Ok, I will wait, thank you

Is there any estimate on when the link will be fixed?