RottenV:R "Basic" Zombie Gamemode

@Bluethefurry I am not “andvanced with Lua” but if I have an idea to make am amazing gamemode out of this, am I SOL or is there a possibility to get access to the full version?

@CakeArmy_Max :mascot:

EDIT: I believe you’ve already seen this, but in case you haven’t :heart:

theres only one current mission as we kinda want to wait for Server Awareness to come out :stuck_out_tongue:


@Bluethefurry would you point out what file the random spawn peds are in. I guess the code is not standing out to me, can’t seem to find it. Thank you.

hi @Bluethefurry thx for your share

do you hava a monkey-blue-saturne error/crash with launcheur ?

in zombie spawner lua

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Copy that an thank you.

can anyone get mysql to work with this and share please.

No. Why would this even require/work with any database? There’s no stats saving or anything like that…

thats what im on about, to save the inventory and player postions etc
because when you leave the server and rejoin its a new character again

Have you read this?

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i already have contacted him/her

i added StartScreenEffect(string effectName, int duration, bool loop) when health goes < 20 but it doesnt work a, i doin somthing wrong?

ammm it doesnt work for me ? running on a clear server i get stuck on “initializing session”

@Bluethefurry is there any bugs i should know about before i make a server?

there might be some, this is just a stripped down version of the gamemode ( as of the 24th of december )
if you find any bugs feel free to post them in the issues section.

It seems to be played more as a battle royal, than a survival mod.

i have a question.
is it possible to change the volume on spawning cars?
in my case is there 1 or 2 cars around the hole world that will spawn.

but anyways its a great script.
it would be nice when i bacome a fast reply :slight_smile:

kind regards

okay i solved this issue.

But when i have an clothe store script active and change skin i will die instantly (hunger and thirst/humanity sets to 0)
what can i do to change this?

that is due to the fact that changing your skin was never designed to happen, your hunger/thirst is attached to your ped.