[Release] vRP Framework

How do you change the font in vRP?

I want to change the menus to read with the pricedown font, but I can’t seem to figure it out.

how do i know if my database is even working right? Thats the biggest question i have.

How does one revive someone in animation?

both questions in one go 1) check your mysql if you see nothing there then its not working how ever if u see vrp_srv_data, vrp_users, vrp_user_business, vrp_user_data, vrp_user_homes, vrp_user_identities, vrp_user_ids, vrp_user_moneys, vrp_user_vehicles Then you are all good to go

To revive simply be EMS have med kits that you get from the hospital (the circle right next to where u get ur uniform) approach a down player and hit f9 --> reanimate and that will revive someone @mrdemizle

I have everything in the data base… However I believe you are running an older build… I am on the newest update and there are no blips at the hospital. Those with ems privileges get the blips for a call but can’t heal. I am beyond confused. Where at in the menu would you see reanimate

reanimate is at the bottom of the f9 menu if u have taken on the job as emergency at the hospital u physically have to go to the hospital and select the job

Like i have said and will say it again, there is no job at the hospital. There are no blips at the hospital. Meaning that I will have to give permission to the player to be EMS. However it doesn’t and even I have tried it, give anyone reanimate as an option to use in the menu.

Whoever made the newest update cough cough, really sucked by taking those key features out. Why? I have no idea… Its stupid to have a RP server if people can RP as an EMS worker. Paychecks aren’t even working.

Any discovery made regarding the progress bar position and the screen resolution ? @Imagic

So, I am working on missions now. I see in my menu a option that say “cancel mission”. i don’t believe I’m currently on a mission. And when I select that option, it doesn’t do anything. The option is still in the menu. I did some digging around it looks like that option is there no matter what??

So, my question is can anyone give me some help on how to setup a mission? I see none at the “missions” blip. I go to that spot and get a blank menu.


Does anyone know how to turn thirst and hunger off without affecting heal animation?

To all you guys that are struggling with this file I am going to give u all the correct server.cfg and u can all the stuff u want after @Majestick @Shake

# you probably don't want to change these!
# only change them if you're using a server with multiple network interfaces
endpoint_add_tcp ""
endpoint_add_udp ""

start mapmanager
start chat
start spawnmanager
start fivem
start hardcap
start ■■■■■■■
start scoreboard
start vrp
start vrp_basic_mission
start vrp_mysql

sv_scriptHookAllowed 0

# change this
rcon_password psycho

sv_hostname "UnKnownRP Life"

# nested configs!
#exec server_internal.cfg

# loading a server icon (96x96 PNG file)
#load_server_icon myLogo.png

# convars for use from script
set temp_convar "hey world!"

# disable announcing? clear out the master by uncommenting this
#sv_master1 ""

# add system admins
add_ace group.admin command allow # allow all commands
add_ace group.admin command.quit deny # but don't allow quit
add_principal identifier.steam:110000112345678 group.admin # add the admin to the group

# hide player endpoints in external log output
#sv_endpointprivacy true

It took me a while to figure it out but here it is

como eu boto animação no, item transformers

Animation of a person doing bodybuilding

name="Treinamento corporal", -- menu name
r=255,g=125,b=0, -- color
radius=7.5, height=1.5, -- area
recipes = {
["forca"] = { -- action name
description="Aumente sua forca.", -- action description
in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
out_money=0, -- money earned per unit
reagents={}, -- items taken per unit
products={}, -- items given per unit
aptitudes={ -- optional
["physical.strength"] = 1 -- "group.aptitude", give 1 exp per unit


Will vRP Framework work with a rented server where you don’t have a data base setup

First sorry for my bad english.

vRP works with rented server, you just need change the cfg/base.lua

Ask your Rented server support to put your server IP in White list for you DB

cfg.db = {
  host = "Your DB IP here", --ip
  database = "Your DB Name",   -- name of database
  user = "Your DB username",    --  name of user 
  password = "Your DB password "   -- 

Hi hope someone can help me :slightly_smiling_face:

can someone explain how to use the vrp command vRP.giveWeapons ?
if i want to give the source a WEAPON_MACHETE on spawn. how do i do that?

AddEventHandler("vRP:playerSpawn",function(user_id, source, first_spawn)
  if first_spawn then
    vRPclient.giveWeapons(  ???  )

Any idea on getting a separate dirty laundering concept other than adding to your business and not being able to pull money out?

I got the smoking animation working when i consume Weed but how do i spawn an item (a joint, a cigarette or a cigar) in the character hand while smoking ?.

there must be some kind of vrp item spawn code i could insert in the onstart… or change the animation.

No success inside the items_transformer with with vRPclient.playAnim(player,{true,{{“world_human_smoking_pot”,“idle_a”,1}},true})

but inside cfg\item\drugs,lua
this sequence work (with empty hand while smoking)


How do i spawn a joint / cigarette / cigar … ?

I also wanted to make animation in the item transform, when I get something.