[Release] vRP Framework

it could be the scottish whisky talkin’ but… i think I saw the other night a cigarette smoking animation inside Chemical Toxin Trainer…
onstart, raise the hand with smoke
onstep, puff puff puff, loop
onstop, throw on the ground…

i’ll go take a peak when my corporate slavery is done for the day.

Looks in the scenario

yeah, exactly…

The line that caught my eyes was:
TaskStartScenarioInPlace(GetPlayerPed(-1), “WORLD_HUMAN_SMOKING_POT”, 0, false)

Which i don’t know yet how to use… i tried but no animation comes out
The line is or seem perfect for my Drug Simulator :slight_smile:

Can i trigger TaskStartScenarioInPlace() inside the items transformer… at the onstart/onstep section ?

Contact me in private I will help you solve your worries

It would be a lot of help, animation item transform

How do i put animation in, item transformers

Animation of a person doing bodybuilding

name=“Treinamento corporal”, – menu name
r=255,g=125,b=0, – color
radius=7.5, height=1.5, – area
recipes = {
[“forca”] = { – action name
description=“Aumente sua forca.”, – action description
in_money=0, – money taken per unit
out_money=0, – money earned per unit
reagents={}, – items taken per unit
products={}, – items given per unit
aptitudes={ – optional
[“physical.strength”] = 1 – “group.aptitude”, give 1 exp per unit

thats pretty much where you deleted the comments :slight_smile: at the end

--, onstart = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional start callback
-- onstep = function(player,recipe) end, -- optional step callback
-- onstop = function(player,recipe) end -- optional stop callback

As most would say here “go check the github”

How can I get the animation here ??

    name="Body training", -- menu name
    r=255,g=125,b=0, -- color
    radius=7.5, height=1.5, -- area
    recipes = {
      ["Strength"] = { -- action name
        description="Increase your strength.", -- action description
        in_money=0, -- money taken per unit
        out_money=0, -- money earned per unit
        reagents={}, -- items taken per unit
        products={}, -- items given per unit
        aptitudes={ -- optional
          ["physical.strength"] = 1 -- "group.aptitude", give 1 exp per unit

Some news on the . items transformer

Anyone come to a conclusion regarding losing moneys on disconnect yet?

Mine does not happen buddy

onstart = function(player,recipe) vRPclient.playAnim(player,{false,{task=“WORLD_HUMAN_DRUG_DEALER_HARD”},false}) end

1 Like

Ofc I use XAMP, but people seem to lose money anyway… No problems with garage etc

Do not give this animation!!!

Basic missions is bugged. This error is thrown for all jobs, including the ones I made.

I’m with the same error

Hi guys,

Is it possible to code a… push “i” to open vrp inventory (not the F9 menu… but directly the inventory part) ?

Thank you

Found: function vRP.openInventory(source) inside modules\inventory.lua

It’s permissions and, you need to add an s

I’m with this error

Can anyone explain how to enable whitelist? everyone seems to be able to join my server without permission