[Release] vRP Framework

Gender change can be found in the cloakroom, just change the location of it and add a blip on the coords and you done, you can also add other peds allowing for a skin selector if you so wish.

so with the new update i cant get the menu to work it was the up arrow key but it dont work

So would it be possible to have a market accept a reagent instead of money? Im still figuring out how to go about making aworkbench style transformer. Im thinking use a market, since it can have multiple items, but have the market take an item instead of money, thus “crafting” a part.

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  ["gunmfg"] = {
    _config = {blipid=174, blipcolor=5},
	["upperR"] = {["steel"] = 1},


well im trying to make it that ppl can be female models and have it save and i dont see anything in cloakroom or skinshops

its in the cloakroom.lua download the new package from github

I’ve a problem with Invoking

and PlayerJoin too

Hi guys, can anyone help me with the creation of triggers? I’m not strong at this and will be very grateful for the help. In the documentation, I did not understand what file to create, where and what to prescribe in it … I understand that this is not for beginners, but nevertheless, give me a chance. Thank you

Made two threads about this myself, and my man Briglair explained it real good. Check them out.

@Imagic Hi again)
New question - can I set several permissions on garage/shop?

And I need help with it:

  local perm = vRP.hasGroup({user_id,"licence_"..tostring(permis_id)})
    print("one "..user_id)
  if perm then
    return permis_id
    print("tho "..permis_id)
    return 0
    print("perm "..tostring(perm))

Function vRP.hasGroup() always return me ‘nil’. What i do wrong?

@Lixdrip @Joir https://github.com/ImagicTheCat/vRP-basic-mission the whole script is two basic missions

@qaz329 Do it, vrp-basic-mission use permissions, so use group selectors.

@Griswuld For now, only mysql is supported.

@davewazere No, markets are markets, not workbench.

@Oskaria Bad usage of the proxy, your first call is ok, the second is wrong, values are always returned using callbacks. Welcome to the callback hell.


How can I set different items needed for different jobs or have a job where you don’t need a item at all. Currently you only need a repair kit and I would want to add stuff like mail for a mailman job

Also any plans on adding the ability to make groups buyable? This would make things like driving licenses and training for drugs possible.

@WingedHussar Well, there is a limit of what groups can do, wait for the education/exp system.

Em, you mean:

vRP.hasGroup({user_id}, function (some_var)
–some code…

And how I can check group? In var some_var wll be array with user groups? Or need call function with parameters:
vRP.hasGroup({user_id,group}, function (bool_answer)… ?
Sorry for many questions - not soon I can check this in practice ((

anyone know a good script for a bank robbery?

I get these errors while in the house

It seems to happen when I save my outfit, however it doesnt break anything and it still works… strange

I get this error:

I checked all and I didnt found any solution… Help pls :S

Hello @Imagic ,

so i started to add the vrp to an fresh downloaded cfxServer from FiveM.

My problem is that i cannot press the phone keys to and cant open the phone.

This is my citmp-server.yml

ListenPort: 30120

    - mapmanager

    - chat
    - spawnmanager
    - fivem-map-skater
    - baseevents
    - ■■■■■■■
    - hardcap # prevents the game from breaking
    - vrp

# do change
RconPassword: lovely

# configure this, please
Hostname: default FiveM server

ScriptDebug: true

DebugLog: true

# set to false to hide from the online server list
Announce: true

# set to false to require players to be signed in to Steam
DisableAuth: true

# set to true to disable local script hook plugins
DisableScriptHook: true

# uncomment and set to the path of an icon to use in the server browser. it should be square.
ServerIcon: hello.png

# don't try enabling this
#UseGameServerV2: true

Maybe some can help. Im new to the scene and trying to get things running for testing. Its a long time since the samp scene to me :smiley: