[Release] vRP Framework

Hello, is there any way of model customization after the first join? How can the players change their model (not customization) with vRp? Thanks

Look at the cloakroom surgery example.

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First of all, sorry for my english.
Could you post any screenshot of your resources? My mission doesn’t works, i edit the groups.lua adding the permissions, and nothing. When u say “properly set your server to load the vrp_basic_missions resource along with vrp” you mean to add it to autostartresources?
Also say that i’m getting this error:
proxy call vRP:getInventoryItemDefinitions not found
Any help is welcome :slight_smile:

Same, I’m also getting this

As you can see, the version.lua file didn’t changed, those are new features that only advanced users should add (because there are issues that are solved every day, and lot of changes in the config files). If you plan to use new features, be careful to look at all the commits, all cfg/ changes, and to update accordingly.

Oh, that was my fault xD
All is running OK now!
Thanks! :slight_smile:

@Imagic Why is it that when a new player joins its not giving them an identity?

Could you show an example of a basic mission?

Could you give an example of a mission?

is this framework with it? is there even an SQL?

Hello. Please help me, What is the cause of this error?

Hi again.
I think it might be okay to add an option that would allow to start or finish the service, because sometimes so many missions can be a little annoying.

Thanks for your attention.

so how would I get this to connect with couchdb instead of mysql

does anyone know how to make it that u can change gender in the clothes shop

anyone who can show me one of there markers cant figure out how to do it

– list of markers
– {x,y,z,sx,sy,sz,r,g,b,a,visible_distance}
cfg.markers = {

Why not just make multiple sex change selectors and put them in your shop?

i really dont know how to do the sex change stuff alway had problems with clothes and stuff like that

If you take a few minutes to look for a pattern in the script even the newest of coders can figure it out. :stuck_out_tongue:

ok ill look just the gender part i dont get i get the rest of it but the gender part i dont

Who can help me with skin shop, to make this?