[Release] Street Label

This is the exact code on the GitHub project and there was never an issue with the player facing the incorrect way, thanks though :smile:

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ah somone told you about it good

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Great Job! Thank you


Very nice job! I would however suggest a config to change the font size maybe? It looks a little big at times and I like a clean minimalistic look. This is still better than the alternatives or having client-side scripts enabled so well done! :slight_smile:


This is a Great Script I recommend it to everybody!


Instant classic script… thank you very much


The config currently supports text color and position of the hud but as @sadboilogan mentioned changing all the text really doesn’t act well because it really messes up the position of the text. Perhaps I will add an option in the config for normal look or minimal look that way I can make a different looking HUD that will simply put everything on one line instead of a large HUD the way it is right now.

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When the script is activated, its possible to disable the “normal” display, from fivem or gta at the bottom right ? :slight_smile:


I currently can’t find a way to script that in. I suggest just disabling the HUD in your GTAV settings here:

Thank you, maybe with ?

    while true do
		HideHudComponentThisFrame( 9 )

its work, but with a little bug i see (sometime only)

Hey I’m having the same issue, seems is only when you look to ‘SE’. Have you got any solutions?

Make sure you are using the updated version, works fine for me. As he updated after i pointed that issue out :slight_smile:

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@Scorpio686 You mean like: Gyazo

Hey I think i’m using the last version, download from yesterday. Can you send me your folder to test it?

where do i find the numbers to change the colors. Like I got into the RGBA config.lua file but I dont know what to change the numbers to. Does someone have a link or something for where I could go to customize it?

There are a load of resources that you can find online. Here is just one of many that you can find.

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@lowheartrate thank you for your help

Beautiful resource :wink: love it! definitely a must have. not too large and obnoxious either

is what someone would be reducing it pleaseis what someone would be reducing it please