[Release] Steam Avatar Scoreboard [0.4]

Yes, later today I’ll modify it so it can better handle the error (without crashing the server hopefully) and will print out all variables so I can figure out what the hell is going on.

@Skrubby @cwherry17 Can you guys replace the BrigSteamScoreBoardSV.net.dll file in your server with this one here? http://www.mediafire.com/file/79uazq4947sh8tr/BrigSteamScoreBoardSV.net.dll

This will provide a bit of information when a player joins (and will probably spam your server console a little bit). This should tell me where the server crash is happening at. This should also stop the server from completely crashing.

As soon as you guys have an error, please give me the server log. Thank you!!

With this resource installed, we would see random intermittenant frame drops. I LOVE the resource. Have you tried this with a full server? Our server is constantly full so it might be a issue when there are tons of users tried to connect constantly?

The only issue I know of is when a player first connects, the game will freeze for about 1 second for just that joining player. I guess it is something with the initializing of the script. I have had that happen to me with any C# resource when they first start up.

However, I have not tested with any more than 2 or 3 other people :frowning:

Alright, that might be the problem possibly? Do you know what a possible solution would be?

On a side note:
Every time a player attempts to connect, does it refresh the scoreboard and trying to ping steam? That might be problem problem? If when 3 people are spamming trying to connect it keeps trying to get their image etc.?

It only gets the image literally right before the player spawns – and only once. Is that where you are getting frame drops – when multiple people connect?

What is that…? It looks like you tried to upload a picture, but its not there.

I’ve edited the post so the image now shows.

Oh… I tried playing with the URL but had no idea what was up with it… haha…

Also that is in chinese(?)… I can’t… read that.

Was this that had illegal characters {SP3Q1]QCF06N1[)@]4O82A|690x428
Basically an inline screenshot’s format is like this:

![any alt text in case image doesn't load](link-to-the-file-or-image)

So having illegal characters like {} or [] inside the ![] messes it up :wink:

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Hey Man…
I dont know why. :stuck_out_tongue: But sometimes it dosent update really…
When there is like 15 on the server, then sometimes it only shows or 5 :confused:
This is only sometimes… :stuck_out_tongue:

@TerbSEC are there any errors in the server log?

Nope :confused: I have not got any Error.
Everytime this did happen, i just reloaded the Script… Then it updated… But like in 2 hours it happened like 5 times. :confused:

That is so confusing. I have no idea why it would do that. Did it just happen one day, or like every day? Did it seem to happen only when a particular person joined the server?

Have never had trouble with it… Began today.

Ughh… so weird. If you are able to watch it at all and let me know when it happens, I can better look into it. :tired_face:

Sure :slight_smile: I will take a look at it when it happens…

Great job!
thanks alot

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I am having the same problem as Crispy… Suddenly says: loading… and is stuck It hates when people join which are not running steam…