[Release] IRL jail time jailer - esx_jb_realtimejailer

When a person goes to prison and leaves the prison, he walks quietly through the city, but when the person leaves the city and returns to the city, she returns to the place where she leaves the prison, understood?

@Jager_Bom can you please repair the part of this script for releasing a prisonā€¦ when someone gets put in jailā€¦ and goes off line than the server reboots and they join back in AND there jail time is fully UP they dont get teleported out they just log in and nothing happens

i ll look it into again , but yet not much time for debugging but will do in these days

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Iā€™ve come across a new issue. The menu wonā€™t open now with the latest policejob. Thatā€™s the only thing I have changed before it stopped working.

When Iā€™m not near a player it says no player nearby and when a player is close no menu pops up. Iā€™ve had this since release and love it.

I have it set up with multiple jails and it has worked great up until recently. I get no errors in the console and the code checks out in lua checkers.

I updated to the latest version of yours to make sure it was fresh and updated. The problem still persists. I have the code copied in to make menus and like i said itā€™s worked great up until recently so Iā€™m not sure what I need to change.

I was assuming it was this openJailMenu(GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer)) but I have no idea where to actually trigger that. When I replace function openJailMenu(playerid) with that the policejob just stops working.

I am happy to copy the code over to you to check but Iā€™m certain itā€™s done right as itā€™s worked great for some time now.

Thanks in advance for any advice and help.

Show me the code in police job :wink:

Iā€™ve pmd you. Itā€™s a lot lol

Hey! Is it possible to make this work with chat commands, like /cell1 [id] [minutes] and so on?

Did you get a chance to take a look yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

yes just trigger client event

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Any way there could be an update that makes it work with latest policejob? Im not that good at coding otherwise i would have done it

itā€™is clearly written what to do ā€¦

It just says * 5b trigger somewhere in your menus : openJailMenu(GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))

I donā€™t know where i should trigger it from. I guess its the police client file. But where in it?
Also it should be changed to triggerclientevent

so i guess it would be: triggerclientevent openJailMenu(GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))

well look for clostest player and you ll see where you ll need to put that line. and no there is no need to triggerclientevent because this is a function

So i guess then it should be here?

		'default', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'citizen_interaction',
			title    = _U('citizen_interaction'),
			align    = 'top-left',
			elements = elements
		}, function(data2, menu2)
			local closestPlayer, closestDistance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()
			if closestPlayer ~= -1 and closestDistance <= 3.0 then
				local action = data2.current.value

				if action == 'identity_card' then
				elseif action == 'body_search' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:message', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer), _U('being_searched'))
				elseif action == 'handcuff' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'drag' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:drag', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'put_in_vehicle' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:putInVehicle', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'out_the_vehicle' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:OutVehicle', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'fine' then
				elseif action == 'license' then
				elseif action == 'unpaid_bills' then
				elseif action == 'unpaid_bills' then

Like that, but its not showing up in the menu.


Okay, so i have been trying and trying and looking into other scripts to try figure it out.

This is how i have it now

				if action == 'identity_card' then
				elseif action == 'body_search' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:message', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer), _U('being_searched'))
				elseif action == 'handcuff' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:handcuff', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'drag' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:drag', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'put_in_vehicle' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:putInVehicle', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'out_the_vehicle' then
					TriggerServerEvent('esx_policejob:OutVehicle', GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
				elseif action == 'fine' then
				elseif action == 'license' then
				elseif action == 'unpaid_bills' then
				elseif action == 'jail' then

At the end iā€™ve added that code, i guess im right now?

yes you did quite well :slight_smile:

It works almost fine, when sending someone to prison i get this error https://i.imgur.com/g4VeUgF.jpg

like it says identifier column cannot be null, did you change something in the script ?

Nope nothing but setting it to minutes. I will try to reinstall is see if it helps then, problem is that i canā€™t check it until tomorrow when a friend signs in. Also, is this a error in the script or in the SQL db?

Damn you really fast to answer, nice! :slight_smile:

Still getting the same error message after reinstall and also after re-adding the jail sql

[MySQL] [esx_jb_realtimejailer] [2ms] INSERT INTO jail (identifier,isjailed,J_Time,J_Cell,Jailer,Jailer_ID) VALUES (@Identifier,true,'2018-11-13 1:19:14','JailPoliceStation1','FortuN','steam:110000101e65344') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE identifier='steam:110000107c3fab2',isjailed=true,J_Time='2018-11-13 1:19:14', J_Cell='JailPoliceStation1', Jailer='FortuN', Jailer_ID='steam:110000101e65344' 
[ERROR] [MySQL] [esx_jb_realtimejailer] An error happens on MySQL for query "[object Object]": ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR: Column 'identifier' cannot be null 
e[91mError: (node:15886) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR: Column 'identifier' cannot be null 
at Query.Sequence._packetToError (mysql-async.js:244:14) 
at Query.ErrorPacket (mysql-async.js:2109:18) 
at Protocol._parsePacket (mysql-async.js:5941:23) 
at Parser.write (mysql-async.js:6198:12) 
at Protocol.write (mysql-async.js:5701:16) 
at Socket.&lt;anonymous&gt; (mysql-async.js:693:28) 
at emitOne (events.js:116:13) 
at Socket.emit (events.js:211:7) 
at addChunk (_stream_readable.js:263:12) 
at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:250:11)```

Hmm i downgraded to a old 2.1.1 mysql-async and then it works. Not with 3.0.1 or 3.0.8. So it seems to be problematic with newer versions.


Atleast i thought. Now it was added in the mysql db but getting this error instead

[ERROR] [MySQL] An critical error happens on MySQL for query "SELECT * FROM jail WHERE identifier=@id {@id=steam:110000107c3fab2}": Unable to convert MySQL date/time to System.DateTime. at MySqlConnector.Core.Row.ParseDateTime (System.ArraySegment`1[T] value) [0x00068] in <149068887d4e4bc08e7b4c05a59a923b>:0 
at MySqlConnector.Core.Row.GetValue (System.Int32 ordinal) [0x0030e] in <149068887d4e4bc08e7b4c05a59a923b>:0 
at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataReader.GetValue (System.Int32 ordinal) [0x0000b] in <149068887d4e4bc08e7b4c05a59a923b>:0 
at MySQLAsync.FetchAll+<ReaderAsync>d__2.MoveNext () [0x000dc] in <6f835765886c4fada3e5ffb1ffcd6998>:0 
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- 
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <49fde7938a9b47b480042d844e818c7e>:0 
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x0003e] in <49fde7938a9b47b480042d844e818c7e>:0 
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00028] in <49fde7938a9b47b480042d844e818c7e>:0 
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ValidateEnd (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00008] in <49fde7938a9b47b480042d844e818c7e>:0 
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter`1[TResult].GetResult () [0x00000] in <49fde7938a9b47b480042d844e818c7e>:0 
at MySQLAsync.Operation`1+<ExecuteAsync>d__7[TResult].MoveNext () [0x00169] in <6f835765886c4fada3e5ffb1ffcd6998>:0 
[esx_jb_jailer] Mettre en prison en JailPoliceStation1 :FortuN pour 60 secs - commande entree par one click ``