[Release] IRL jail time jailer - esx_jb_realtimejailer

Put a print on identifier server Sided to see if get get value or nor

Help me, I do not know what that can be, do you have a solution?

hello what did you do ? some more of you have that issue buet i did try same script on my server and works perfectly

my MySQL is up to date, as far as I know, and I did not do anything, put it the way you told it to put it, the files and everything else … Would you have a solution for that?

do some prints server sided of jail script to see if you get player id, what jail and time. tell me what the prints are

maybe this is > openJailMenu (GetPlayerServerId (player)), I do not know where to put …

hello, when i want to jail my friend its not my friend’s going in the jail but me x) how can i fix it please?
(thanks your script is awesome btw)

thx for your comment, you sure vhave seen what version of policescript you got ? and you did integrate in correct menu ?

Can you update this for mysql async 3.0.8?

i don’t work atm with mssql 3.0.8… so won’t happen that fast :slight_smile:

okey thats sad, noone that have a up to date server will be able to use this script anymore

why update mysql if no real improvments have been made :slight_smile:
you can always adapt the script for sql 3.0.8

true, yeah ill probably have to do that,:slight_smile:

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Do you know the changes that has to be made or do i have to make some research too? Hehe

llike i said you know nearly nothing about 3.0.8… so you’ll have to look by yourself :slight_smile:

Okey thanks, have a nice day!

how do I use this I have installed it but I don’t have a clue how to send someone to jail. some one please help, I’ hve the same problem with esx jail

Someone fixed the async 3.0.8 problem?

I have finally got this working with current async thank you again OP (@Jager_Bom) for the script. Took some tinkering with the server.lua and the sql table but all is well. Best jail script I’ve come across looking forward to utilizing it!

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Could you please explain how you got it to work, i was wondering why i couldn’t get it to work even though i followed the steps.