[Release] Hunger/Thirst HUD V0.3.3 (Added inventory and food shops)

Someone knows how to fix the bug of the fuel bar I didn’t see it anymore since I added the hunger and thirst script
Thanks for your answers and help

The last release of the script, fix his bug redownload the files foodhud

ok thanks a lot friend

I have the blips bug, with a blank server anyone else have this error ?
How to have the blips not bug ? No legend at the right of screen

Edit : During some change now i have this : http://prntscr.com/fbb30x

Anyone know how to leave hud like this?

It is part of this script

Ok i found where the probleme come from for the blips who disapear !
gh_foodshop create some probleme with blips.

Do you know how to have the foodshop but whithout problem of blips ?

Somebody Can give me vkd_inventory with use and Remove item button pleaze (for est and drink)

I have this problem: https://puu.sh/w3YZi/793e485940.png

Solution please ?

My database is good x) I rewrite the tutorial 5 times …

ty for release ,
any uptdate with es_extendet maybe ?

I just noticed that by removing the: vdk_plug so the 2 files: needsvdk_cl.lua

Of the vdk_inventory file the error disappears so the concern comes from here but or?
Level database I have no worries.

HELP ME? please

es_extendet ? What is it ? I don’t have x)

It’s not required for this script.

My vdk_recolt plugin doesn’t work since i installed this script ! Why ? (Foodhud, externals and vdk_inventory work nice)

Good day (its me again :stuck_out_tongue:)

I hate to be the guy who just throws ideas at you but i was wondering if it Would it be difficult to add a an option that would change the bars location based on if the mini map was on/off?

if DisplayRadar(false) then
“move the bars down”
elseif DisplayRadar(true) then
“display as normal”

Thanks for your time and consideration!

I was able to install it on couchDB and version 3.2.3 - but where to buy food and water? In stores there is no sale

Great resource, but could you please make a light version without inventory? where you just have to go to the store every time and eat it? no need for vdk inventory? i’D LOVE that! thanks

How did you fix the datareader error with mysql ?

How can I fix the datareader error cause I get one when i only do a update or insert like wityh no getResults…

pls can you update your external source with new version of vdk_inventory pls :slight_smile:

Hi ,
I am wondering why I can´t see the garage´s markers If I have got :


Anyway thanks you for share this script