[Release] Handcuff and Handsup scripts

Hm. Maybe I made the raycast capsule to large. I will have to look at that sometime.

Is it possible that people wont move when they are in cuff? Is so, how?

You will need to change the animation flag.

TaskPlayAnim flag argument.

What do i need to change to? And where?

TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)

… to …

TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Ok, Thank you for the help;D

1 Like

hello my friend… i have change the code on handcuff.lua becuase i need to put cuff to player and the same time this player dont see nothing(black screen)

handcuffed = false
local animation = {dict = "mp_arresting", name = "idle"}
local unarmed = GetHashKey("WEAPON_UNARMED")

AddEventHandler("Handcuff", function()
	local player = PlayerId()
	local plyPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
	if DoesEntityExist(plyPed) then
		if IsEntityPlayingAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 3) then
			SetEnableHandcuffs(plyPed, false)
			SetEnableHandcuffs(plyPed, false)
			SetCurrentPedWeapon(ped, unarmed, true)
			handcuffed = false
			DoScreenFadeIn(true)--edw ksemavrizi i o8oni
			handsup = false
			while not HasAnimDictLoaded(animation.dict) do

			TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)
			SetEnableHandcuffs(plyPed, true)
			SetCurrentPedWeapon(plyPed, unarmed, true)
						handcuffed = true

	while true do
		local player = PlayerId()
		local plyPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
		if DoesEntityExist(plyPed) then

			-- Cuffing Logic
			if not IsPedInAnyVehicle(plyPed, false) then
				if IsControlJustPressed(0, 186) then
					local targetped = GetPedInFront()
					if targetped ~= 0 then
						local targetplayer = GetPlayerFromPed(targetped)
						if targetedPlayer ~= -1 then
							TriggerServerEvent("CheckHandcuff", GetPlayerServerId(targetplayer))

			-- Backup Handcuffs
			if handcuffed then
				if not IsEntityPlayingAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 3) then
					if handcuffed then
						TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 49, 0, 0, 0, 0)

			-- Remove ability to drive vehicles
			if handcuffed then
			    DisablePlayerFiring(player, true)
				DisableControlAction(0, 25, true)
				DisableControlAction(1, 140, true)
				DisableControlAction(1, 141, true)
				DisableControlAction(1, 142, true)
				DoScreenFadeOut(player, true)		--edw mavrizi i o8oni

			SetPedPathCanUseLadders(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false)
				if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(PlayerId()), false) then
					DisableControlAction(0, 59, true)


function GetPedInFront()
	local player = PlayerId()
	local plyPed = GetPlayerPed(player)
	local plyPos = GetEntityCoords(plyPed, false)
	local plyOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(plyPed, 0.0, 1.3, 0.0)
	local rayHandle = StartShapeTestCapsule(plyPos.x, plyPos.y, plyPos.z, plyOffset.x, plyOffset.y, plyOffset.z, 1.0, 12, plyPed, 7)
	local _, _, _, _, ped = GetShapeTestResult(rayHandle)
	return ped

function GetPlayerFromPed(ped)
	for a = 0, 64 do
		if GetPlayerPed(a) == ped then
			return a
	return -1

so he is working perfect…but i need if this guy have cuff i want this guy to press the button ‘F’ to go inside on the car… can help me with this?

So when i cuff them i cant uncuff then after i cuffed them. Help!

Mess with the animation flags like I said before.

Do you know the problem
This is what i have right now:
TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0)

I really won’t know the issues unless I was to actually look at it. I am not really around enough to look at it so I really couldn’t tell you.

OK, but what do i have to change in TaskPlayAnim(plyPed, animation.dict, animation.name, 8.0, -8, -1, 18, 0, 0, 0, 0)?

Change it back to what it was before man. I really don’t have time to find the flags for you. Do some googling on GTA 5 ped flags.

I have no clue on how to edit the user perms in the config, could you please give me an example?

There is no perms… This script was strictly for educational purposes… This was a script that people are supposed to download and make edits of their own.

Ah 10-4 I’ll work on a perms script, thank you

Hopefully the base code works fine for you and that it integrates to your needs. Have a nice night or day.

great script mah dood

to work this script need to change animation flags from handcuff.lua and handsup.lua ? or only from handcuff.lua file?

Thanks for a help!!

What? The script works fine without changing anything.