[Release] Fire Script by Albo1125

I did a 100 by 100 fire and it took one hit from an extinguisher to be put out

we have the same issue as the rest of you in my group. not sure how to fix it.

I also have this problem with just a shot of the fire extinguisher goes off completely, very good script if you have how to fix in this problem would be great

Hey there, looking for some help, we do the /startfire 40 10, or any variation, script says “starting fire” but we get no fire. Yet when we do /startsmoke 3 or any variation, the smoke works! Any ideas??

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Even if I start a /startfire 100 30 (true/false). About a second on one flame the whole fire goes out. Visually the mod is amazing but extinguishing it with one fire extinguisher blow is ending the call much too fast.

i think we all have that issue medic. but im not sure if anyone knows how to resolve that issue. it would be nice to have the creator respond and give us guidence

@albo1125 - I’m having the following issue…

Any thoughts on why this might be happening and/or how to get around it?

Why does the fire go off when I just tap my fire extinguisher on the fire

For me it didn’t work the first day and then I just had it laying in my files for a few days and suddenly it worked. Maybe just try and let it lay there for a few days and try the same as me ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Worth a shot

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Bigger Issues

  • All Fires stopping when ONE fire is knocked down/extinguished

Minor Issues

  • The fire itself does not like to cooperate when starting multiple on different levels of a building; very finicky
  • /stopallfires - does not consistently work for some people [however] this is easily resolved on the user end with a /restart FireScript command invocation on the server, allowing the script to be reset and continue working so not really a big deal

[Below] Is the Videos Description
This is a video demonstrating Albos Fire Script; and a few of the larger issues that plague it.

Along with the issues mentioned in this video, there is also an issue starting a fire on TOP of another fire [for instance, starting a fire on Division 1/first floor of say the O’Neil House and then starting a fire above it on the Division 2 / Second Floor of the O’Neil House] above the first fire. Which prevents doing training on extension potential; prevents doing training on things like fire run, where the fire began on the lower and lifted to the higher floor.

Awesome script Albo, the FiveM community has been waiting for a script like this for some time. Aside all the notable mentions of issues above, are you able to make the fire spreadable? That would give it that more realistic feel in my opinion. Once again thanks for the scripts and hopefully we will see more from you:grin:


Fixed issue where fires immediately went out if extinguishing one flame (for some reason API class seems to be returning incorrect values for some fire natives)

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Hey mate, now the fires wont extinguish. Love the script cant wait to use it properly

Edit: It was on a 2 size 2 radius

I am not experienced with C#, so could @albo1125 or someone else make pull request for some permission based system to this?

I mean, I don’t even wanna mention ESX, because I feel I could get a punched from any direction here :sweat_smile:

@albo1125 Is it possible to make the fire spread if it is not put out?

other then that 10/10 fire script!

Hey, does anyone know how to make the fire script work? I type “/startfire 40” for example and nothing happens. It even says “starting fire” after I enter it, but again nothing happens.

You have to do /startfire 40 10

I did that too, and nothing happened. Any suggestion?

im having the same issue says fire/smoke started but nothing

Same bro