[Release][ESX/NativeUI] KRZ-PersonalMenu

idk if i have something not right or what. money is defiantly not synced. i have restarted the script. died multiple times reopened the menu multiple times and my money is staying flat 0

Update: I figured out the problem. my server was not showing money on hand only bank money. the menu doesn’t display your money in the bank.

I just Tested this on a “Fresh” Reinstalled server from Zap hosting and this addon is working fine, aslong as you have the money ON YOU and not inside the bank!

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First thanks for your great work !

I don’t know if you can help me, i decided to change my old menu with your release but i have a problem with an integration that i try to make.

In my old menu, i make a triggercallback to get my total inventory count, work great , show like this : Inventory 16/30

But with your the triggercallback work but on the menu Inventory go to the last position.

Do you know how i can do that?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english i’m french

hello man, i’m in love with this script and i am using it, but i’m wondering why not adding a script to unmount weapons. it could be nice tho, since no-one has done this for esx. i’ve tried doing this but i rage quit after 2 hours because it gave me a error i could not find. it should be simple because you just need to add to the db the weapons’ bodies and the weapons’ ammo and once the voice in the menu is pressed, remove the weapon and give the body and the ammos. then add to ammo the option “load” and to bodies the option “equip”.

Has someone actually done this or something similar?

Thanks for your time🙃

Why does the Header dont load? http://prntscr.com/ohhf08

the administrator menu is visible only to the admin?

Yes, but why don’t you set yourself as user and check instead of waiting here for a response?


Hello, I can’t find how to add the ID card, license and others

Just set to true in config.lua the EnableJSFOUR IDCARD ?

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I like you logo I like that letter!

hello man, do you actually have something to mount and unmount weapons? i use your script and i’ve noticed that it will be useful to have that option.

is there a way to update other scripts to use this menu instead to make it all consistent :slight_smile:

How can i change the position of the menu? I want it in the right upper corner.

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So I install the script as it should happen in the game I press F5 And nothing happens

Update es_extended


Just an idea : add an option for active or desactive the voice system

Really really nice work !! Just Amazing :slight_smile:

Do you know how can i add a item description in inventory menu ? that’s will be reaaaallly nice ! :wink:

Thanks you !

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How can I change the language to english?

Hello men i have this error in my F8

SCRIPT ERROR: @krz_personalmenu/client/main.lua:757: attempt a nil value (field ‘Math’)

Tu as régler ton problème car jai le même avk la ligne 757 ?