[Release][ESX] [Jobs]

Just change this essentialmode on your db name

Or if you’re like the 99.999999% of the people using PHPMyAdmin, HeidiSQL or similar, just remove the line completely.

Hey! Anyone have any ideal on how to have two job centers? One in sandy shores and the original in the city.

Maybe you can copy & paste the files for job center, like the scripting and just change the location with the x y z coords.

how to open GPS Job

@UpTime Hi When I try to Summon Trucks there are 4-5 of them spawning and expoleding why is that

Having an issue with a custom job, edited the en.lua and linked the file name to the __resource, also added the job “beef” in the database jobs and job_grades but doesn’t seem to work, here is the Job lua if anyone can help? The job is based off slaughterer …

Config.Jobs.beef = {

	BlipInfos = {
		Sprite = 162,
		Color = 5

	Vehicles = {

		Truck = {
			Spawner = 1,
			Hash = "benson",
			Trailer = "none",
			HasCaution = true

	Zones = {

		CloakRoom = {
			Pos = {x = 988.01, y = -2127.52, z = 30.48},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Marker = 20,
			Blip = true,
			Name = _U("beef_locker"),
			Type = "cloakroom",
			Hint = _U("cloak_change")

		CowParts = {
			Pos = {x = 998.75, y = -2107.19, z = 29.48},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Marker = 1,
			Blip = true,
			Name = _U("collect_cow"),
			Type = "work",
			Item = {
					name = _U("collect_cow"),
					db_name = "cow_parts",
					time = 3000,
					max = 20,
					add = 1,
					remove = 1,
					requires = "nothing",
					requires_name = "Nothing",
					drop = 100
			Hint = _U("collect_cow_parts")

		BeefFactory = {
			Pos = {x = 977.19, y = -2117.25, z = 29.47},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Marker = 1,
			Blip = false,
			Name = _U("beef_house"),
			Type = "work",
			Item = {
					name = _U("beef_house"),
					db_name = "ground_beef",
					time = 5000,
					max = 20,
					add = 1,
					remove = 1,
					requires = "cow_parts",
					requires_name = _U("collect_cow"),
					drop = 100
			Hint = _U("grind_cow")

		GroundBeef = {
			Pos = {x = 690.99, y = -2124.94, z = 30.46},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Marker = 1,
			Blip = true,
			Name = _U("c_package"),
			Type = "work",
			Item = {
					name = _U("c_package"),
					db_name = "beef_patties",
					time = 4000,
					max = 100,
					add = 5,
					remove = 1,
					requires = "ground_beef",
					requires_name = _U("beef_house"),
					drop = 100
			Hint = _U("pack_patties_c")

		VehicleSpawner = {
			Pos = {x = 955.4, y = -2118.55.43, z = 29.55},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Marker = 1,
			Blip = false,
			Name = _U("spawn_veh"),
			Type = "vehspawner",
			Spawner = 21,
			Hint = _U("spawn_veh_button"),
			Caution = 0

		VehicleSpawnPoint = {
			Pos = {x = 949.72, y = -2109.72, z = 30.55},
			Size = {x = 3.0, y = 3.0, z = 1.0},
			Marker = -1,
			Blip = false,
			Name = _U("service_vh"),
			Type = "vehspawnpt",
			Spawner = 1,
			Heading = 130.1

		VehicleDeletePoint = {
			Pos = {x = 957.15, y = -2109.92, z = 29.55},
			Size = {x = 5.0, y = 5.0, z = 1.0},
			Color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 0},
			Marker = 27,
			Blip = false,
			Name = _U("return_vh"),
			Type = "vehdelete",
			Hint = _U("return_vh_button"),
			Spawner = 1,
			Caution = 0,
			GPS = 0,
			Teleport = 0

		Delivery = {
			Pos = {x = -1202.88, y = -895.68, z = 13.0},
			Color = {r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
			Size = {x = 5.0, y = 5.0, z = 1.0},
			Marker = 4,
			Blip = true,
			Name = _U("delivery_point"),
			Type = "delivery",
			Spawner = 1,
			Item = {
					name = _U("delivery_point"),
					time = 500,
					remove = 1,
					max = 100, -- if not present, probably an error at itemQtty >= item.max in esx_jobs_sv.lua
					price = 104,
					requires = "beef_patties",
					requires_name = _U("c_package"),
					drop = 100
			Hint = _U("s_deliver2")

hi when Im become lumberjack or miner I cant change my uniform and when I try to summon job vehicle there are 7-8 of them spawning and expoloding

any sharing how did u do it?

When i put it on my server, i can’t see any blips when i take lets say the miner job, what now?

hello ,
i’ve been facing a wierd problem for 4 days now , the problem is when i try to press E at spawn point , to take the Truck plus caution of 2K will be taken from me , nothing works ,

AddEventHandler('esx_jobs:caution', function(cautionType, cautionAmount, spawnPoint, vehicle)
	local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)

	if cautionType == "take" then
		TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'caution', xPlayer.identifier, function(account)
			xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('bank', cautionAmount)

		TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('bank_deposit_taken', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(cautionAmount)))
		TriggerClientEvent('esx_jobs:spawnJobVehicle', source, spawnPoint, vehicle)
	elseif cautionType == "give_back" then

		if cautionAmount > 1 then
			print(('esx_jobs: %s is using cheat engine!'):format(xPlayer.identifier))

		TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getAccount', 'caution', xPlayer.identifier, function(account)
			local caution = account.money
			local toGive = ESX.Math.Round(caution * cautionAmount)

			xPlayer.addAccountMoney('bank', toGive)
			TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('bank_deposit_returned', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(toGive)))

it works for me once when i disabled that line
after that everything cameback as it was.

TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, _U('bank_deposit_taken', ESX.Math.GroupDigits(cautionAmount)))

it spawned the truck/vehicle , and caution counted too but nothing are being showed on the client screen( esx:showNotification of bank_deposit_taken and returned )

here are some pictures when trying to press E to get the Vehicle/truck and my bank money aint moving for some reasons i dont know .

thank you for your help . and sorry about my english .

I have ESX Jobs installed and working but when i have a player without superadmin try and use the worker clothes it doesnt do anything when they attempt to change into the worker clothes

I got a empty room, where i can sell diamonds. if i go in to the store, i fell out of the map.
is there something i can fix this problem ?

Does anyone know how to set the job uniforms? just getting a bunch of checkered stuff.

Is here somebody who knows how to throw out people of a specific job?

/setjob [playerid] unemployed 0

Do I need to give people admin to do that?

That command is indeed protected to admins. You wouldn’t want normal players setting jobs.

So what im understanding is that For example, chief of police cant hire people?

They should be able to hire people for that job and for ranks below them. They can’t set players for jobs they dont’ already have(which was your original question).