[Release] [ESX] Drill Item + Bank Rob Edit

I have no idea sorry man :frowning:

It works like a charm on my server tho.

when i have put in the drill esx it works but when i do the holdupbank in the esx file and esx_holdupbank in the server.cfg, and i rs the server it says couldnt load esx_holdupbank.

our holdupbank and drill item resource is bouth in a folder called [essentials]. Could that be the issue then?

(the resource should currently be installed but not started as of the issue)

Find the amazing problem that was there from download…

Gonna fix the problem now sorry!

Edit: Fixed.

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Animation doesn’t end when bank is robbed. Would be possible to add something to stop animation (and better, be able to stop forcefully during process)?

Also, option to NPC cops be alerted as well would be awesome :slight_smile:


If you want to add the drill to be buyable from a gang add this in server.lua. Remember to replace esx_cartel, society_cartel with proper job names etc.

AddEventHandler('esx_cartel:buyItem', function()
  	TriggerEvent('esx_addonaccount:getSharedAccount', 'society_cartel', function(account)
	TriggerEvent('esx_addoninventory:getSharedInventory', 'society_cartel', function(inventory)

		if account.money >= 250000 then
		  TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'Du har köpt en borrmaskin för $250000')
		  inventory.addItem('drill', 1)
		  TriggerClientEvent('esx:showNotification', source, 'Medges ej')


Then add this in client.lua

		if data.current.value == 'get_drill' then

I get this error when i try the script, can i please get some help? This is an awesome script that i want on my server :slight_smile:


Need help :confused:

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Rename “name” in sql to “your collumn name” or what you have in ur DB

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the animation is not ending when the theft ends

It would be cool if the animation ended when the robbery ended.

Sorry. I’ve been out from FiveM for 6+ months I wont be updating this plugin since my knowledge is limited.

how to add more banks to rob

So the scripts is working great when testing it.

  • But i got a problem with the “shop” script, which means, the drill cant be bought at a shop, and by buying the drill from a gang is not really an option.

So the question is, can you disable the feature, where you need a drill to do the robbery or do you have to have the drill no matter what.

Please keep me informed, if any have a question.

Thanks. :wink:

Why can´t you buy it in the shop Kasper_Niemann?

I wish i could tell you why.

  • When i go to the shop, there are no items, not even the drill in the shop.
    And i have done everything the dev of the script has told to fix it.

But this post isn’t about the shop, but more if it was possible to disable the drill part. :slight_smile:

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But, if you don´t want to use the drill, just use original script.
Here is the github link: https://github.com/TanguyOrtegat/esx_holdupbank

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