[release] [esx] Custom Scoreboard with jobs online

use atom.io to open the html file then go to emojipedia.org and get yourself a new one and replace the old :slight_smile:


Thanks for the help, it worked

Hey guys! Just a quick helpful tip for those of you who might have downloaded the first version that was posted here.

If you are showing 2 EMS Online, while only 1 EMS is on, then you must go into the ā€œserver.luaā€ file and make sure these lines of code arenā€™t written in there 2 times.

		if xPlayer.job.name == 'ambulance' then
			EMSConnected = EMSConnected + 1

If it is, just remove the second one you see.
Again, this has been fixed and re-uploaded by Stadusā€¦ but that was the fix for those wondering :smiley:

Thanks again for the great release Stadus!!! Works great!

Why is this happening?

Really thanks for the work and share this ressource!

Since you donā€™t have Windows 10 version 1709 (Creators update) you donā€™t get those fancy emojis.

So my scoreboard isnā€™t showing up, no errors on the console, starting after es_extended and essentialmode, and then when i change the button to show it for example " X " the scoreboard keeps blinking :confused:


  • Ok nvm sorry for taking your time, i was able to fix it xD

Thanks for the release! I just have a quick question; when i install this on my server it keeps saying it canā€™t load, even though itā€™s set after es_extended and essentialmode. Why do you think this happens?

How do I translate the ā€œnameā€ from the scoreboard? (On top of the players name).


what was wrong its doing the same with me

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Mine was blinking because of i only change in one place yhe button to open it

mine did the same just found it thanks for answering :slight_smile:

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How did you get your Money / Job ETC to show up like that centered uptop?

Itā€™s ESX feller. You can download a premade one from RIB SOSAY on youtube.

Would have been nice to see some localization

Is there a way to change controls? I changed it from 178 to 60 but still dosenā€™t work.

You need to change it on the following lines: 24 and 58.
With other words:
ā€œif IsControlPressed(0, 27)ā€“[[ INPUT_PHONE ]] thenā€
ā€œif(IsControlPressed(0, 27) == false) thenā€

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This works great but, when i get the list up, it stick there, if i click the button again nothing happend.
Any idea how i take it away again?

Not sure if this works with 5.0.7 :confused: Seems like it resets the scoreboard folder on server startup if itā€™s been modified

If you donā€™t want people Metagaming by your awesome Scoreboard, you should modify stadusrp_getJobsOnline by this kind of code :

local ColorEMSConnected = 'šŸ”“'
if EMSConnected > 0 then
	ColorEMSConnected = 'āœ…'