[Release] ESX-ALphone (call system)


somebody know to fix this error? Thanks

Votre appel vous a coƻtƩ $ 0 I pressed the call for a period of 5 minutes, but the call charge was $ 0.

huy guys i have a call problem. when i call someone there no voiceā€¦

I have a few questions, do you actually need to run esx_phone too? When i do it works fine and i can send text messages however they come through twice. (one from the esx_phone and one from esx_phone3) its like they are conflicting

I took esx_phone out and just used esx_phone3 and esx_blackberry and added blackberry to the DB but the phone wont come up now when i press F2 or 1 (i do have blackberry in my inventory too)

Remove the keybind from esx_phone and edit the keybind on esx_phone3 to be F1

Edit esx_phone and remove any duplicates that conflict (like text notifications, etc)

My initial reply+this gives enough hints you can get there.

just use this and not the original esx_phone at all? that what i do and it works fine

The thing is Iā€™m new to all this donā€™t know much about scripting. Iā€™m still getting 2 text messages when I send them. Thatā€™s only issue I have right now everything else works fine.

How to translate icons?

how to translate icons

how to fix #0

How to fix (moi) 0

How to fix moi 0

Go to esx_ALphone-Blackberry-system-master\esx_phone3\html then open index.html in notepad ++ and edit it there, just change the language

Go here esx_ALphone-Blackberry-system-master\esx_phone3\html and edit the index.html. All the apps are in there just comment out the ones you dont want to use and change the language

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How can I be putting the Iphone to sell in the store and after the player buy will be able to use the cell phone? Someone help me please.

Everything works fine for me minus the actual calling. Is it open mic or on a push to talk?

Add it to your shops table in your DB

Help Me I canā€™t call Canā€™t contact each other

I need help with the same thing. figured it out ?

When I change the labeling, for example the police(sud) to LSPD, no more police signals pop up, what am I doing wrong?