[RELEASE] EssentialMode Robbery System

i would also love to test it

Updated https://github.com/DamienTehDemon/Robbery-System-Fivem/pull/4/commits

perfect thank you


so i tried to change that code, but it never gave me any money at all after i changed it. as i am using a esx frameowrk, i dont think it recognises the command for it? on esx its black moneyā€¦ which i put it into as well. but it didnt work at all. so i am stumped

AddEventHandler("robberies:robberyOver", function(name)
   local source = source
   local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)	
			xPlayer.addAccountMoney('black_money', robbableSpots[name].currentMoney) 

paste this in and it will give you black money.

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hi is there anyway to remove the blips from the map, so you still have the locations but they are not visible on the pause menu map. Thanks

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Look for the Blip options under the client.lua

i pasted it but it ididnt work, it gave zero cash.
i dont know what i am doing wrong tbh, im not a coder.

The problem is that there are several mentions of blips options, and it seems that blips is the same word for the markers in the stores/banks to rob. Iā€™ve been trying to figure it out as well, but Iā€™m not a coder so any help would be grateful.

ok so, i updated the server file from the pull request to make it esx, then added your code inā€¦ worked like a charmā€¦ thanks! now the blips hahaha

That is ok sorry for the late reply,

Your blips for the map is written under each store/safe/bank in the client.lua

	["Blaine County Savings Vault"]={name="Blaine County Savings Vault",
	x=-106.25449371338, y=6478.3061523438, z=31.626726150513,
	timeToRob = 900,
	copsNeeded = 4},

If you swap the blip part to this for each one it should delete the blips off the map.

	["Blaine County Savings Vault"]={name="Blaine County Savings Vault",
	x=-106.25449371338, y=6478.3061523438, z=31.626726150513,
	timeToRob = 900,
	copsNeeded = 4},

Markers are a part of this code:

local distanceForMarkerToShow = 15
local distanceToInteractWithMarker = 1.5 <-- I prefer that set to 1 to help from triggering by accident when using the store circle.

ok great! I will comment them all out now. and yeah i changed the distance too. I found that out immediately!

When I press E to rob, nothing happens :pensive:

Have you configured the mod?

I left the basic settings.

Will this work with esx_police as well orā€¦

police are getting no Notifications

ifne We thought we had a fix for it to work with ESX, which it worked for about a week but then it went back to doing what it was doing before. Which is notify the 1st cop that connected to server or no cops at all. My developer has worked endlessly on the script and we didnā€™t have a solution, except to return to the ESX Holdups. Which we made changes to it and it works just as good. Except having to add more Robbery locationsā€¦

Ok, Iam not running esx or vrp just stand alones

are you using the esx version of this mod? it is in the pull request in its github.

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