[Release] [ES] AdvancedRP Server dump

Right I get you and completely understand how that goes. By chance do you know where I could acquire the older version that uses MySQL until things transition to the new standard? I did a quick search engine dig, but can’t seem to find much of anything really. I understand that there is also a new server update to be released that will have an ACL system and as well support MySQL. This sounds like some pretty good news for the community.

Here it is GitHub

Thank you kindly, sir or madam. Greatly appreciated. I’ll check it out.

Thank you for this wonderful work.
Is it compatible with essential mode 3?
thank you in advance

you should read above…
And it is not :frowning:

Thank you;), but I was not sure I understood, I am novice in English once its technical language exceeds;)

Does anyone know why the turfswar is not working anymore ?
The enemies don’t spawn…

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Me too, help please, I don’t know how to fix that

Does anyone know how to disable job in es_roleplay ?
Because it displays ramdomly my HUD job

anyone have an mysql version of essintialsmode that works for this? found another 1 but it don’t work


I also have the same problem with my sql not loading, just wondering if anybody would mind helping, many thanks.

me too thats why i just went to the 3.0

Take it guys :wink:

sql.sql (7.7 KB)

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oh meant of older version of essentialsmode with the mysql.

Thanks though.

Who can help me to replace the command / job (police) with a gui
because have Jobs system and i would like send the job instead of wrtie command in a chat


You can change the / job police command to another?

What am I doing wrong?

Does anyone know how to make /kick and /ban work from inside the server. Mine only works /ban in the console. Please help.

You need to give yourself the right group through the database

how did you get to purchase the cars in the first place? and save it? I get up the gui but I cant select/buy any of the cars

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