[Release] ELS FiveM | Server Sync | Lights | Sirens | Custom Patterns

config.lua Line 9: panelEnabled = false

i cant find line 9 plz send pic

It is the line number. Count down 9 lines and it should be there.

… or just use any decent code editor. Like Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime 3, etc.

can u send me your cfg file

bc i do not have that
did u add that stuff can u just send me your cfg plz

nvm sorry

If you are having trouble feel free to private message me. I can probably help you sort it out.

is it ok to rename the car files and add them to an assests folder??

Is there a way to just toggle stage 3 lights instead of switching through all the light stages?

Hey I’ve always used non ELS vehicles, im looking to switch to ELS. Is ELS viable and not too buggy on five m?

Everytime I get in an ELS car and get out i cannot switch weapons anymore is that normal ? And if I press my change state key, and then get back in the cop car ELS doesn’t work anymore

I never had an issue with ELS for FiveM, this script runs good and so does ELS+. However, this script is more controller friendly than the ELS+ script so keep that in mind. However I find the environmental lighting for this script to be “yucky” especially if you are running red and blues (just looks purple to me).

yes at the top of any vehicle VCF files in the Interface section, you will see LstgActivationtype, it will say “manual”, that runs the light stages from 1-3. If you set it to “invert” that will toggle the light stages from 3-1, and if you set it as “auto” it will only toggle Light stage 3. Hope this helps you.

I put it to auto but when i hit q it still makes me go through all the stages
<INTERFACE> <LstgActivationType>auto</LstgActivationType> <DefaultSirenMode>standby</DefaultSirenMode> <InfoPanelHeaderColor>grey</InfoPanelHeaderColor> <InfoPanelButtonLightColor>blue</InfoPanelButtonLightColor> </INTERFACE>

which build are you using?

latest 1.75, can we msg on discord?

After looking through that build, that build should be reading the xml automatically. Keep in mind you have to change that for all ELS vehicles and clear your cache before restarting your server.

so all the xmls have to be the same?

if you want them to use only stage 3 lighting you have to go through your vehicle VCFs and change them all to auto