[Release] Disable seat shuffling

yea get this also when sitting in the passenger seat the head animation keeps moving like its trying to switch seats

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I discovered shuffling in a HVY APC wasnā€™t quite working right, as Iā€™d shuffle to the gun seat using the gameā€™s shuffle mechanic, and then attempt to shuffle backā€¦ Except, Iā€™d have to run the shuffle command, and then also hold the headlight button to trigger the gameā€™s shuffle mechanic in order to get back into the driverā€™s seat.

I created a function that detects if the player is in a HVY APC or a BF Dune FAV in order to stop the script form running in these vehicles.

function checkOmitList()
	Check for vehicles that allow shuffling normally
	Hash		Vehicle
	562680400	HVY APC
	1897744184		BF Dune FAV
	local vID --[[ Vehicle ]] =
		GetPlayerPed(-1) --[[ Ped ]], 
		false --[[ boolean ]]
	local cVM --[[ Hash ]] =
		vID --[[ Entity ]]
	--print("Player is in entity " .. vID .. " which is " .. cVM) --Debug code to find vehicle IDs
	if cVM == 562680400 or cVM == 1897744184 then
		return false
		return true

I then modified the line that checks if the player is in a vehicle to call this function.

		if IsPedInAnyVehicle(GetPlayerPed(-1), false) and disableShuffle and checkOmitList() then
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Having issue where people are constantly being kicked out of their vehicle when passengers.

rewrote the script , check the link at top of post

thank you! Iā€™ll add it and credit you