[Release] CameraTech by Albo1125 (ANPR/ALPR system)

Hi all,

Sorted this issue out!

Use the following to set up the ANPR table in your database:


colour varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

model varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

anprname varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

dir varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

plate varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

marker varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL,

time varchar(60) COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL


After, change the following fields:

In _resource.lua:

Line 12 uncomment.

In sv_CameraTech.lua:

Uncomment anything to do with the database.

This will now save any anpr hits to the database, so if you have a website you can then create the connection to the database to show the results.

Is there theoretically, any way that this is able to be linked to a Sonoran CAD Database using your technique, Shane?

It’s not one that I am fluent with mate, apologies regarding this!

Hopefully someone can come along and help you :slight_smile:

Can we add ensure CameraTech in server.cfg instead?

ensure and start do the exact same thing when used in the server.cfg, and it really doens’t matter which one you put in there

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anyone know why when i use commnads like /anpr or /anprinterface , ESX server , not using SQL side of script

boots officers off the server with error codes when a clocked car gets hit via a camera