[RELEASE] Blaine County Sheriff's Skins

Where can i download these vehicles?

You can´t download them. Literally, the post above yours explains why

It says that you can´t get these vehicles as these vehicles are paid vehicle models which is against the FiveM Terms Of Service (TOS) as its paid content. A lot of people already asked this question so read the post before posting something that already has been answered.

whos jeep is that

DOJ didn’t create the design, they used it. Just because one community uses one design that they didn’t even make, that doesn’t mean that they own it and no one else can use it. You do know that Alameda County Sheriff’s Office uses them too, right? Maybe these people just like the design, or maybe they live near or in Alameda County, or even maybe they were once a Deputy there.

But you have to understand they like DOJ and like to watch youtubers play on a server that is an actual dictatorship!

Oh look, it’s Kildaa. Remember Maximum RP and all that?

Also, no it’s not a dictatorship. They own the community, they choose how they want to run it. If you feel that way, then so be it. But uhm, it’s for sure not a dictatorship of a community.

Is there any way to get the XBR410 pack, I’ve tried to contact him to no avail, does he still have them available for purchase etc… ?

How about streaming clothes ? You have to pay 15$ monthly to have access to that. So where is the tos working in that case ?

Non profit

… see

No, XBR has specific Terms of Service on his products that indicate that they’re not for use on FiveM - if caught you risk your server being blacklisted at least.

thanks sir very much :slight_smile:

where is the vehicle pack for these skins

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It is private.