Problem with vehshare.ytd

Hello everybody, any news for stream vehshare.ytd ? Thank you

Not for me. I finally make my own wheels pack as a embeded textures model to fix my issue :confused:

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Any news?

Does it work now?

still no?

If there is no \vehicles, just create one?

Is this a bug or did they remove the ability to stream the vehshare.ytd?

Any word or fixes on this?

Vehshare.ytd still doesn’t work.
February 27, 2020.

ok, so?

why are you assuming it’s meant to ‘work’?

due to how the game loads this txd early on, it can’t be overridden per-server as that’d break server disconnection etc.

try ADD_REPLACE_TEXTURE if you want to replace specific textures from such a txd.


Thank you very much. I was able to replace almost anything to the plate using ADD_REPLACE_TEXTURE.
Just to see the possibilities, I`ve replaced the default texture with a .mp4 video from the Internet and it worked. It played the sound too.

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Where do you go to put that?

@Wacker-8 @Micka67 @aciducen1995

Thanks for asking me for help. Here is what I did.

AddEventHandler('playerLoggedIn', function()
    print("TXD Placa Mercosul")
    local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd('duiTxd')

    -- Plates
    plates = {

    -- Plate
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('' .. plates[i] .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', plates[i], 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

For the initial test, I changed the default plate ‘plate01’ to a .png and a .mp4. For the video, it played one time only but with sound.

This is just a simple script. It have some bugs. :bug: For a low percentage of connections, the full plate is displayed in the entire screen of the player. Maybe I need to use another event instead of ‘playerLoggedIn’.


hey, is it possible for you to make a video on this subject, i can’t figure out your format for some reason, and where would i put this?

So I edited your code and it showed up @oaojmiguel

@TheKittenGamerYT copy the code into a client.lua and change the LINKTOIMG.png to your image link

I would make your plate image 1200px x 700px or something around that

I used to upload my image.

I bet there is a easier way to do this but it works anyways.

I use this coding for adding image to only 1 plate:

local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd('duiTxd')
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('LINKTOIMG.png' .. 'plate04' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate04', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

-- Make sure to add the _n one too!

local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd('duiTxd')
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('LINKTOIMG.png' .. 'plate04_n' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate04_n', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

Any Help?

Looks to be your image link. Try using for your plate upload and make sure its a .PNG

I never saw the plate numbers disappear. But sometimes it shows on your screen when you join. There is really nothing I can do about it. Its a bug

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Do you have a license key with a patreon tier? that is maybe what it works for you and not for everyone else… Just like the clothing stream

this doesn’t work

AddEventHandler('playerLoggedIn', function()
    print("TXD Placa Mercosul")
    local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd('duiTxd')  
    -- Plates
    plates = {

    -- Plate
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('' .. 'plate01' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate01', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')
    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('' .. 'plate01_n' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate01_n', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('img/plate02.png' .. 'plate02' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate02', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('img/plate02_n.png' .. 'plate02_n' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate02_n', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('img/plate03.png' .. 'plate03' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate03', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

    for i = 1, 10 do
        local duiObj = CreateDui('img/plate03_n.png' .. 'plate03_n' .. '.png', 540, 300)
        _G.duiObj = duiObj
        local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
        local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, 'duiTex', dui)
        AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate03_n', 'duiTxd', 'duiTex')

-- [url=][img][/img][/url]
-- [url=][img][/img][/url]

client script name is customplates.lua

fxmanifest is

fx_version 'bodacious'
game 'gta5'

client_script {