[ESX-Release] esx_doorlock_mhacking

a link would be great seeing as the one i find has no link at all :frowning:

Press H for use keycard

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You being able to use the search function of this site would be amazing. Search mhacking it says “Simple Hacking Minigame” in the title.

listen here buddy, your sarcasm isnt needed, i searched and i had trouble finding it…

No you listen here buddy xD, I hope I was able to help you. Next time just ask for a link.

a link would be great seeing as the one i find has no link at all :frowning: i did

Press H for use KeyCard bro…

http://lmgtfy.com/?q=mhacking I’m not sure that you did bud.

im sorted my dude, he jsut said i need to ask for a link and i did. i didnt have the required resources that it needed. its working now thanks

Good release, but how can I know the sequence to be able to hack the doors?

It is very random and changes everytime you start the hack.

oh ok. And one more question, when I fail the hack my game every time crash, how can i solve this error?

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do i have to disable esx_doorlock with this, it used to be working fine, but now doors have double locks

disable in config esx_doorlock and add esx_doorlock_mhacking

Looks like my door only unlocks for the person hacking it and nobody else

@Heady20006 can you contact me

So I have a lot of extra doors I have in my current esx_doorlock and I’ve tried adding it in and it seems like the same format as the one in esx_doorlock_mhacking. Well when I add my esx_doorlock config.lua and I try to hack the door the code is long like an extra 4 characters then after I successfully hack the door the tablet stays up then it crashes my game config.lua (10.5 KB) There is a copy of my esx_doorlock config.lua, and yes I have turned off esx_doorlock and turned on esx_doorlock_mhacking. The script works perfectly and opens all doors for other players except when I try to add my config.lua for the doors is when it crashes my game.

Salut voici une modif que j’ai faite pour être synchroniser avec les autres joueurs pour de nouvelles portes demander laquelle et je me ferais un plaisir de vous les transmettre
Je précise que ceci provient de la dernière version et à remplacer dans le client.lua

Hi here is an edit I made to be synchronized with other players for new doors ask which and I would be happy to send them to you – Sorry for my english
I specify that this comes from the last version and to replace in the client.lua

while true do
local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())

	for k,doorID in ipairs(Config.DoorList) do
		local distance

		if doorID.doors then
			distance = #(playerCoords - doorID.doors[1].objCoords)
			distance = #(playerCoords - doorID.objCoords)

		local isAuthorized = IsAuthorized(doorID)
		local maxDistance, size, displayText = 1.25, 1, _U('unlocked')

		if doorID.distance then
			maxDistance = doorID.distance

		if distance < 50 then
			if doorID.doors then
				for _,v in ipairs(doorID.doors) do
					FreezeEntityPosition(v.object, doorID.locked)

					if doorID.locked and v.objYaw and GetEntityRotation(v.object).z ~= v.objYaw then
						SetEntityRotation(v.object, 0.0, 0.0, v.objYaw, 2, true)
				FreezeEntityPosition(doorID.object, doorID.locked)

				if doorID.locked and doorID.objYaw and GetEntityRotation(doorID.object).z ~= doorID.objYaw then
					SetEntityRotation(doorID.object, 0.0, 0.0, doorID.objYaw, 2, true)

		if distance < maxDistance then
			if doorID.size then
				size = doorID.size

			if doorID.locked then
				displayText = _U('locked')

			if isAuthorized then
				displayText = _U('press_button', displayText)

			ESX.Game.Utils.DrawText3D(doorID.textCoords, displayText, size)
			if IsControlJustReleased(0, 38) then
				if isAuthorized then
					doorID.locked = not doorID.locked

					TriggerServerEvent('esx_doorlock:updateState', k, doorID.locked) -- Broadcast new state of the door to everyone

			function mycb1(success, timeremaining)

if success then
doorID.locked = not doorID.locked

TriggerServerEvent('esx_doorlock:updateState', i, doorID.locked)

print('Success with '..timeremaining..'s remaining.')

if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys[‘H’]) then
TriggerServerEvent(‘esx_doorlock:hack’, mycb)

			-- if IsControlJustReleased(0, Keys['E']) then
				-- if isAuthorized then
					-- doorID.locked = not doorID.locked

					-- TriggerServerEvent('esx_doorlock:updateState', i, doorID.locked) -- Broadcast new state of the door to everyone
				-- end
			-- end


Voici le client.lua

main.lua (5.6 KB)

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Hey, great script. Is there a possibility to make it work on only the doors you want to select (so not for every door in the config).

Yes it is possible to comment the lines of other door