Dedicated Five Reborn server hosting?

@Ace Well OVH is fully self-managed which isn’t the best for everyone.


If I was you I would just buy a linux vps for like 10$ and get a quad core and 4gbs of ram then you can host multiple things like mysql for saving and shit, you can find a cheap vps with a google search…

Oxigent sounds like a scam and he is just going to make a easy 20$ from people that don’t know what there doing and most likely will steal your script files… Best of luck, pm me if you need any help with setup but its fairly easy just install mono and your good to go…

When renting a VPS make sure you’re allowed to run game servers, and any other servers (like teamspeak). Check their Terms of Service before renting or submit a ticket, they’ll let you know. Don’t need to get your services suspended!

You want something like this dude…

@kanersps @yarrum3 @trippin7464 Thank you everyone for the help and replies. I got in contact with a friend of mine who knows about these things and helped me set up my VPS and all. Thanks again for help!

@kanersps Hosting a 32 player server for only €3,00? Are we looking at the same OVH?

@afterburn said in Dedicated Five Reborn server hosting?:

@kanersps Hosting a 32 player server for only €3,00? Are we looking at the same OVH?


@kanersps Ah my bad was looking at the dedicated server options. Thanks for the reply.

@kanersps hell yea that where i host. on point kane

I have gotten OVH now I am wondering how to get the server running from the command console? anyone have any help?

@Oobinoob said in Dedicated Five Reborn server hosting?:

I have gotten OVH now I am wondering how to get the server running from the command console? anyone have any help?

I’m also with OVH so I can help you out if you’re using Linux:)

Because we’re moving to Linux we have to change a few things,

  1. On your PC open the server folder you just downloaded, move the everything into the bin folder (cache, resources,system, citmp-server.yml, run.bat)

  2. Open an FTP program like FileZilla and connect to your vps (You can find your IP on the ovh manager, Your username should be root and port should be 22)

  3. Once connected to your VPS navigate to Home > Ubuntu > FiveReborn (Make this folder) and drag and drop the Bin folder from step one into the FiveReborn folder (It will start uploading in FileZilla)

  4. Open Putty and connect to your server

  5. Once connected use the command “sudo apt-get install mono-complete”

  6. After mono is installed you want to navigate to the Five Reborn folder you created earlier you can do this by entering the following commands;

    cd /
    cd Home
    cd Ubuntu
    cd FiveReborn
    cd Bin

  7. Once you are in the Bin folder enter the following command “mono CitizenMP.Server.exe”

  8. If all went well your server should be started! :smiley:

(If your server is using a different Linux distro the steps should be the same just replace ‘Ubuntu’ with whatever distro you’re on, or put the FiveReborn folder in a different place)

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@LBX3 Great tutorial. bit more specified then mine.


We at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com offer FiveReborn servers at affordable rates, in Canada, USA and throughout europe (UK, France, Germany, NL and Italy) You can rent one from us. Server’s are setup within minutes of purchase, no manual installation required, tweak via our game control panel interface


We at ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.com offer FiveReborn servers at affordable rates, in Canada, USA and throughout europe (UK, France, Germany, NL and Italy) You can rent one from us. Server’s are setup within minutes of purchase, no manual installation required, tweak via our game control panel interface

Hi @LBX3 I got to step 5 and i typed in sudo apt-get install mono-complete and when i clicked enter this came up

Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package mono-complete

do u have any idea where i can locate the package or what the problem is ? Thanks

I had the same problem and this command seemed to fix that for me: “sudo apt-get update”
And then “sudo apt-get install mono-complete”
Now I have another problem, I have installed mono-complete but when I try to start CitizenMP.Server.exe with the given command I get this error:

Cannot open assembly ‘CititzenMP.Server.exe’: File does not contain a valid CIL image

Does anyone know what causes this?

Do you run the

I just tried that ./ command but I get permission denied?

chmod +x

I just tried that but it didn’t seem to do anything