Will buying gta again on new steam account allow me to access banned servers?

I’ve had issues with this type of thing in the past, power-hungry, abusive server staff/owners have a personal issue with you so they choose to ban you. Trust me, its best to let it be if you’ve gone to the highest power in the server you can and even they don’t revoke your ban (or if it was the highest power who banned you), At the end of the day, they can recognise your voice most likely, and being on a server with power hungry staff just feeds their player base, which means more and more will join this ticking time bomb with power hungry staff or owners, then more people will go through what you are going through now. As stated above, if they’re really your friends they’ll look past the fact you are banned and still talk to you, or even go with you elsewhere server-wise
TL;DR: theres no point. Find another server.

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Actually it’s now even possible to ban using Microsoft accounts and discord accounts even ahahah

so i just got cfx how can i evade that or mive around it

5 year old topic, mind the topic dates.

No one is going to help you Ban evade.