[vRP] Pets

Quick Disclaimer: this script is a vRP port of this one

Also: The script strings are all in portuguese and i don’t want to have the work of editing this into a multilanguage script … so yeah, google translate is basically your best friend

repository: https://github.com/TheSpartaPT/vrp_pets

post your issues here: https://github.com/TheSpartaPT/vrp_pets/issues

downloads: https://github.com/TheSpartaPT/vrp_pets/releases
latest version: 1.0

info about the resource: [vRP] Pets


just realized i forgot to add the mysql alter table file so yeah i just added it right now so please if you downloaded the resource, go back to the github repo and download the “vrp_pets.sql” file, the way i did it you can only have 1 pet at a time

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Can you post any photos or any link that contains some explanations about this mod?

it’s this one, https://github.com/ESX-PUBLIC/eden_animal, but for vrp… what do you need to know more ?
i made it for a community where i was the developer i left and decided that i wanted to publish the script because i knew that there were more people that wanted something like this. @LixeiroCharmoso

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hmm, thanks man, nice conversion :smiley:

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@LixeiroCharmoso it is a pet shop and a pet system basically, somewhere in the south side of the desert there will be a new blip, that’s where the shop is, there you can buy the pets listed on the local pets table on the server/main.lua file, the price is also handled by the server so it is somewhat secure

for it to work properly you need to add the item “croquettes” for sale on the stores because the pet eats croquettes, if you don’t feed him he will die, and you’ll need to buy another one

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Thanks to remind me about this croquettes :slight_smile: the mod works like a charm

Should I create the croquette like this?
items["croquettes"] = {"Ração para animal","", gen("eat",-25,0),0.5}

Cause i dont found where you created it on the script

you just need to create the item where you can’t do anything with it, and add it to the stores …
like this:
go to the vrp/cfg/items.lua
and add the following to the cfg.items table

["croquettes"] = {"Ração para animal", "", nil, 0.5}
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Nice, thank you bro !

One more question, how do i get balls to throw?

you also need to add them to a weapon store or whatever … for the pet to go and catch the ball (doesn’t work on all of the pets) you throw the ball and then tell him to go and get it on the pet menu

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what is the ball name to add to a weapon store?


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Quando eu chamo meu pet, ele simplesmente nao aparece… http://prntscr.com/jiwmaz O que devo fazer ? Escrevi em portugues do brasil ;D tenho certeza que vai entender :smiley: Muito bom saber que temos coders para a linguagem portuguesa .

@RMORAES é logo o primeiro comentário aqui, [vRP] Pets, tens que ir a repo para ir buscar o vrp_pets.sql, eu esqueci-me de incluir esse ficheiro no início só reparei depois
Já agora convém leres os comentários de informação de como meter o script a funcionar corretamente, [vRP] Pets


Obrigado !
Você tens discord para contato?

http://prntscr.com/jixd8b isso é normal ?

Sim tenho: TheSparta#8470, e não n é normal, deves ter feito alguma coisa mal …

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Galera, quem está tendo dificuldades quando ao banco de dados é só criar uma coluna dentro de vrp_users com o nome pet dessa forma: https://i.imgur.com/ykobvuj.png
Alterei o botão para o F10 também, devido a usar um script de dropar a arma no F9
Obrigado ao desenvolvedor pelo lançamento desse script, agradeço imensamente pela colaboração com a comunidade.

Personnel, who is having difficulties when to the database is just to create a column inside vrp_users with the name pet of this form: https://i.imgur.com/ykobvuj.png
I changed the button to the F10 too, due to using a script to drop the gun on F9
Thanks to the developer for the release of this script, thank you immensely for the collaboration with the community.