[vRP] Chat Rules 1.0

I know there are several similar mods, but I decided to do it for myself and I’m sharing.


  • vRP Frameworks

With this mod you will be able to customize your chat, inserting visualizations by groups and create commands with options to show the identity of the players (database) or anonymous information.

How to install
put vrp_chatrules inside the resources folder and add in server.cfg “start vrp_chatrules”


ver 1.1
vrp_chatrules_1.1.zip (2.6 KB)

ver 1.0
vrp_chatrules.zip (1.7 KB)


– Initial project

– Now does not show any other commands (please test)
– Added default setting for users without permissions (config.lua)
– Added option for ads, configuration included in config.lua and time setting on client.lua (please test)

more information included in the file cfg/config.lua

If you are using this mod, take your like … So I will know if we can improve it :yum:

*Sorry for bad English


Great work Leo I will share this with as many people as I can


works fine but when i tipe a cmds it appear in chat… not good how to fix?

i think you need to add cancelevent () right after the command in the code I saw that last time in one of the scripts i got and it was explaining why this code was in

how i do that? help me

Hello friends, I’m reviewing what we were reported here, thank you.

ok i’ll w8 for updates then i will use it

Ver 1.1 Released :grin:

i’ll test now 20 chars

tested… al fine bro you are awesome! i want you like my developer!

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Its not working, whatever i try to do to it :frowning:

@daimkake are you sure you worked on permission? if want help pm me…

Got it sorted out.
Thanks to Leo.
Appreciate it, it works like a charm! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! I was looking for something like this. Great job!

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Opa beleza? eu puis o chat ai, mas fica um fundo azul ainda, sabe me dizer oq acontece?

i like it but does it work completely with dunko vrp edit

I use it with the vRP system normally. You have to disable other active chat scripts in your resources.

Amm…It works well, but there is one problem. Even though I change my job, I can’t change my chatting role.

Salve Leonardo funciona com a base Shadow?

This is so cool. Thank you for sharing this, i added the user_id in front of the group name as a change. One question i have. When i have superadmin, admin and ups for example as active groups, when i type a message in chat it makes 3 messages for each group (ups, admin and superadmin). Do you have a fix for this?