Server scripts taken

not a game issue but Transport Tycoon which is NOT an RP server (PvE) has been copied but BradXY and he turned it into his own RP server stealing our menu style, icon locations, jobs, phone style, hunger and thirst, and some other things so can stealing things from one server and using it as your own be punishable by server being shut down? here is the IP of the stolen stuff:

Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Stolen? How? Many ppl see features on servers and code them into their server. Doesn’t mean stolen. Copy catting is done all the time.

He’s been in our server a few times and when I investigated it was practically the exact same he even stole the name

You know it’s impossible to steal scripts from a server cache, right? So if he stole anything, that’s on whoever have him access. Fivem is not the server police. Every server owner is responsible for their own server.

I just spoke with one of our devs the vRP was fine for brad to take I’m waiting on the dev to return to find out more info

Files “stolen” were vRP. Not their own files but, the open source project