Server Provider (Free)?


Are you allowed to make a FiveM server host with free servers, but taking donations to cover the cost?

Non profit ofcourse.

This is what the terms says:

Don’t try to make money off FiveM. Not even your game services. Covering costs incurred from third parties (server rent, product licensing, …) is fine, however any additional profit (including ‘donations’ other than to cover immediate costs) is not.


Answer here


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So im allowed to do so? o_o

Is the only supported host.


Im aware of this.

But the terms doesent say anything about making a free GSP?

Is this allowed or not? :confused:


You are allowed to host FiveM servers on a VPS or Home Hosted as long as you got root access and it isnt preconfigured… unless something has changed.

You can take donations but cant profit off it.

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How do you know this? I dont see anything in the terms.

It has been mentioned plenty of times… and it clearly states the donation question in the quotes in the topics above.

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Did you ever make this server provider?

No, this isn’t allowed. Regardless of whether the product is free or not. The only allowed FiveM GSP is @zaphosting