SentryIO FiveM - Easy error logging in FiveM!

This is a pretty old resource, which I’ve just never released on the forums. So, here it is!

Theres not much to say about this resource, so i will just link the wiki page and the repo, as that’s all that is really needed to begin using this resource:


Heres another way of using it, which im sure would probably be frowned upon and kinda eek, but, its the best way to log them in which ive found. (This also has to be used per-resource, which isnt too handy either)

local orig = _G.Citizen.Trace

_G.Citizen.Trace = function(data)
    if string.match(data, "Error") then
        TriggerServerEvent("SentryIO:Error", data:gsub(":(.*)", ""), data)



Wow this is really nice, thanks a lot for releasing! This is going to be a massive help for me, the amount I’ve times I’ve asked users to locate CitizenFX.log and they can never find it :smile:

Love it :heart:

Are you missing a client file? How are these events triggered? “SentryIO:Debug” “SentryIO:Error”?

Its a seperate resource. You should add the global stuffs in the resources you want error handling for.

ooh got it, missed the last page of the wiki thanks

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This is really nice, cheers for releasing it. :+1:

Would there be a way to report crashes to Sentry too? I know you can get crash msgs from disconnect msgs but not all crashes are reported via disconnect msgs. And maybe get the .dmp too?