Rp player looking for a server

hi im lookling for a server like no pixel whitelisted if possible custom job and race base
no spawning menu im also a starting streamer so i want to be able to stream the content
need to be english server i only speak english and french but love for it to be english
im eastern time zone

Oh, I was going to say. I’m in a fully white-listed community but were not Job Based (well not yet). Was hoping you would still be interested?

i can try aint losing anything in trying your community who knows might be really awesome

i can try aint losing anything in trying your community who knows might be really awesome

Okay so head on over to http://discord.sojrp.xyz and then a member from soj will talk with you.

Stateside RP is a professional non-whitlisted community with stable scripts, unbiased and friendly staff, custom vehicles and jobs, and strong PD. We are actively Growing and would love to have you!

https://discord.gg/MadERft if you would like to join ours we are all setup just looking for active and dedicated members


Blue Country roleplay is looking for active (Staff)members!
Check it out! We are pretty slick and have around 60-70 members! :slight_smile: