[Request] Live Player Count

If anyone hasn’t a already made this, would someone be so kind to make a website or program that displays a live player count (updates every ms or so) of a FiveM server when you put the IP into a search bar. A nice feature/add-on would also be one that makes a beep noise when the player count is 32 and someone leave a so it goes down to 31.

I believe the server list actually does that. Just click a server name and you can see how many players. Don’t know how frequent the updates are, but they happen.

That is neat, however there is nowhere to input an IP. I’d like it to work with servers that also are not on the public view of servers.

Is what you mean some sort of “Live Map” displaying where players are and how many are in the server?

You can view this, not very pretty but it works, if you go to


Use an extension such as this one for google Chrome if you’d like to format that page.

But still from what I can tell that does not update at all unless you refresh.

That’s true, as you’re just loading the file once and not refreshing it automatically.

No, I mean just a live player count showing how many are on at that exact second, and it updates every tick or something like that.

Updating every tick is a terrible idea, that’s basically the same as opening a DoS attack on your webserver…

Every 10 seconds, whatever works. It’s apparent that no one will make something like this but that’s fine I was just curious. I’ll probsbly use the player list json file and have it auto refresh every second.

The reason it’s not easy to make, is because browsers don’t allow you to use, lets say, javascript to download the <serverip>:<port>/players.json file… So unless you find a way to work around this and somehow get that json file from the server, then no it’s not easy to make.

You could use this file: https://servers-live.fivem.net/api/servers/ instead, (which can be downloaded by javascript) but that includes all servers, when you only really need the data for 1 server. This also makes it impossible to get data from servers that aren’t listed on the serverlist.

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