Removing Reticle

Im new to LUA i have a script that allows me to remove the reticle completely, but i want to keep it in for Law Enforcement, is there a way i can make it check a Steam HexID and if they have the hexid then they have the reticle if not then they dont? If there is a way any help is appreciated iv been stuck on this for a couple days trying to figure it out.

Could you send the script please?

local isSniper = false
while true do

	local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
	local currentWeaponHash = GetSelectedPedWeapon(ped)

	if currentWeaponHash == 100416529 then
		isSniper = true
	elseif currentWeaponHash == 205991906 then
		isSniper = true
	elseif currentWeaponHash == -952879014 then
		isSniper = true
	elseif currentWeaponHash == GetHashKey('WEAPON_HEAVYSNIPER_MK2') then
		isSniper = true
		isSniper = false

	if not isSniper then


thats all there is, only other thing is the resource file.

This is a script from the forums I believe, please ask in the original post.

i dont know where this specific script is i saw another one.