[RELEASE] Weapon Component ( accesories ) for ESX

remove (‘id’, ‘name’, ‘label’, ‘limit’, ‘rare’, ‘can_remove’) the id part so it looks like this
(‘name’, ‘label’, ‘limit’, ‘rare’, ‘can_remove’) and on the values remove the number with the comma so the item name is first and then import it

Hey cool addon!

Only issue for me sofar it comes up as “nil” for

Ive loaded the script + SQL files into database items correctly

Putted the name “silencer” in Weaponshop, it buys but comes up as “nil” and “undefenied”

some help please :smiley:

because all the weapon shops look for “WEAPON” and they don’t look for an item in your database. You should edit your script weaponshop to look for an item in your database instead of a weapon. :wink:

Hi, i’m editing your script and trying to add a SCOPE… if it works i can give it to you so u upload it here


Is there an easy way to fix so it looks for SQL items instead for WEAPON items?

Yes just build it in with code. Should not be to hard.

Thanks, for no help

Why so mad? I don’t even know which scripts your using. So I can’t even give any code that might even work for you. You expect me to write some code for you while your not even giving somehow any information. Instead of calling out for no help I told you it was possible to do so.

If you can’t even handle code yourself why are you even working on a server? Ask your developer or someone that knows to code. It’s not that hard. Can’t expect anyone to work on your server whenever you like it.

Ah thanks mate, for the no help again

I have written this scrip and added more attachments will release later .

Nice, in your version when you use the suppressor that you bought it still appears in your inventory even if there’s none? I was trying to get rid of that, will be waiting to test your version!

No, you can use the supressor but it stays on you inventory .

is it possible to make a command so the attachments go off and in your inv again? Since attachments dont get saved in certain script, and maybe you didnt want to put it on the waepon

can you pls release it?

Is it possible for you to work on adding scopes and also fix the issue for when we use attachments on unsupported gun and it still takes away the item?

Hi so on respawn, even if the attachment got used, the gun will still have the attachment, and the item will respawn into the players inventory. any fix for this as duplicated items aren’t my thing…

or could someone help me edit this script so when the item is used it is removed from inventory

when i go into a car the silencer doenst work, only on foot or bikes, any solution?

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with who command to i add attachment???

Could not have said it better m8