[RELEASE][VRP] vRP Showroom v2.0

hi i have installed your showroom everything works great untill i try to load the vehicles only the r8 and couple of other load can you tell me if theres something im doing wrong ? thnx in advance

anyone have this for esx?

Can you help me?

Hi, how do I impose that the purchase is only available to the dealer and not others?

can anyone tell me why on most of the vehicles in the showroom they fail to load ?

Is it vrp2 compatible?

im not sure im new to this i just installed the dunko pack in the zap hosting i use then i installed the vrp showroom v2 .some cars load but most of them fail

OMFG I’m seriously speechless… Of course they don’t load because YOU DON’T HAVE THEM. :expressionless:

ok so fair enough thanks for the answer like i said to start with im new to this i wasnt aware that would have to install every car that doesnt load . in the time i asked this i relized that and started to install addons myself … now this might be another daft question but whats the difference between the dunko pack on zap hosting and the downloadable fx server pack if theres any

Wrong topic to ask this mate… Ask it in the Dunko’s topic please, thanks

ok no problem cheers for letting me know

hi DGVanix, how can I allow the vehicles to be purchased by the dealer and for other civilians only the test drive?

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Hi, when I try to buy a vehicle it does not react at all. I can spam ENTER without anything happening. I have experience with this code and I KNOW that I have coded everything right. Every other feature works great, but I cant buy anything. Yes I have enough money. If somebody could help me out, then that would be great! Thanks :slight_smile:

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Is there any way to spawn inside the vehicle you bought, once you bought it from the dealer.
We have tried uncommenting vRPg.spawnBoughtVehicle({veh_type, vehicle}) in

function vehSR_CloseCreator(vehicle,veh_type)
		local ped = vehSR_LocalPed()
		if not boughtcar then
			local pos = currentlocation.pos.entering
			SetEntityHeading(ped, 180.0)
			scaleform = nil
			SetEntityHeading(ped, 325.72)
			vRPg.spawnBoughtVehicle({veh_type, vehicle})
		vehshop.opened = false
		vehshop.menu.from = 1
		vehshop.menu.to = 10

But it didn’t work :confused:


Hey I tried rotating Simeon but it doesn’t work at all. I changed everything that had to do with his heading and still no luck.

	theSimeon = CreatePed(4, simeon, simeonX, simeonY, simeonZ, 90, false, false)
    SetEntityHeading(theSimeon, -15.0)
    FreezeEntityPosition(theSimeon, true)
    SetEntityInvincible(theSimeon, true)
    SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(theSimeon, true)
    TaskStartScenarioAtPosition(theSimeon, "PROP_HUMAN_SEAT_BENCH", simeonX, simeonY, simeonZ-0.35, GetEntityHeading(theSimeon), 0, 0, false)

I know that you’re supposed to change SetEntityHeading, but I had no luck making it rotate.

My friend, can you buy the vehicles?

i need to know to add the permission! Please reply!!

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when I click down it links to v1 not v2

don’t know how to say… you’re awesome.