[Release] vRP Framework

Hi @Forgejack,

line 53/54

    -- notify last login

Can I just ask the guys with 10-30 players on their server, how does it perform. do you get desync of vehicles? just attempting to solve it but I think it might be FXserver

I’m running the latest version of FX Server and I get desync as well.

yeh, thats what I thought. just annoys me because i got minimal desync on CFX

Only tested with 6-10 people. We all experienced what I’d call sporadic desync. Sometimes it’d be buttery smooth for a while, other times the “up against the wall for minutes” level of desync. Tested with and without scripthook and with a minimal number of resources. Nothing seemed to affect it.

yup, Ive slowly removed specific resources until I kept the bare minimum and still, like you said sometimes calm sometimes its all over the place.

@kult_klm yes, VRP_mySLQ is working, i have verified that by checking mySLQ to see if my chosen database has been configured, it was configured correctly
i have also gone ahead and disabled VRP_mySLQ and simplebanking to ensure that it’s something to do with the base plugin
still got the same error
i also tried running FXserver as administrator to see if it’s a permission problem
same error

Check your server.cfg to and make sure the name matches the name of your folder. You have VRP_mySLQ written. It should be VRP_mySQL

checked my server.cfg “vrp_mysql” is written exactly as the folder name, but that isn’t the issue, if that was the issue the plugin wouldn’t load up at all, the problem is it’s unable to continue loading due to it not finding a file

How do I change the default police skin when you go on duty?

The code to setup your database is in the vrp folder. That is why it gets set up. However, it is showing it is unable to load a resource VRP_mySQL. Your cfx-server-data-master\resource folder should have a folder for vrp AND vrp_mysql (both are included in the repository). I was able to replicate your error just by removing the vrp_mysql folder…

vrp_myslq is there, i don’t know why it thinks it’s not there
bug? glitch? incorrect folder permissions? i don’t know

You are spelling the name wrong. It’s vrp_mysql NOT vrp_myslq. You probably have it named wrong in your server.cfg or the resource folder.

will check and see if i have named it wrong

@Kyodai nope, checked it, it’s the correct spelling
i will reset my mySQL user password and see if that works with a new password

@Kyodai nope, didn’t work…
still getting the same error…
it did configure the database as seen here:

it can’t be on my end with my configs,
the error:

Loaded mysql.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1045155378
Exception loading assembly I18N: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Unable to find the specified file.

Server stack trace:
  at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR (System.Int32 errorCode) [0x0000a] in <0123fd5b1a1040fe9d70a7e0d4b28acb>:0
  at (wrapper cominterop) CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string)
  at (wrapper cominterop-invoke) CitizenFX.Core.IScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string)
  at CitizenFX.Core.MonoScriptRuntime+WrapScriptHost.OpenHostFile (System.String fileName) [0x00000] in C:\gl\builds\4ff63adb\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\MonoScriptRuntime.cs:254
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) CitizenFX.Core.MonoScriptRuntime+WrapScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string)
  at (wrapper xdomain-dispatch) CitizenFX.Core.MonoScriptRuntime+WrapScriptHost:OpenHostFile (object,byte[]&,byte[]&,string)

Exception rethrown at [0]:
  at (wrapper xdomain-invoke) CitizenFX.Core.MonoScriptRuntime+WrapScriptHost:OpenHostFile (string)
  at CitizenFX.Core.InternalManager.LoadAssembly (System.String name) [0x00000] in C:\gl\builds\4ff63adb\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\InternalManager.cs:115
[vRP/C#] Load MySQL app.
Instantiated instance of script vRP.MySQL.
Started resource vrp_mysql

is still happening even though i have
a. redownloaded it
b. reconfigured it with the help of you guys (and my cuz helping me with XXAMP)
c. ran FXserver.exe as an admin
i don’t know what it means…
@Imagic please help me, i don’t know whats going on, i don’t know if i have done something wrong or configured it incorrectly. can you look at the problem and help me? please? with a metaphorical cherry on top?

Ok, what you just posted is exactly as it should be. Those are normal errors. I don’t see the same error as you had before in what you just posted.

thanks, its working now,
but i do have one question.
how do you disable hunger, thirst and experince?
really don’t need my players worrying about them… rather have them blow things up then drink, more fun that way

If the blips are being removed from your map, it is possible that you do not have the formatting right, make sure you have all of your { end with a }, and that you have the appropriate , where needed. I know this is not much help, but without seeing your code, it is impossible to help much…

One thing I found is that in the garages.lua, a single car CANNOT exist in multiple garages. but a single garage can be placed in multiple locations. The opposite is true for gunshops, meaning that a single weapon can appear in any number of different shops, but you cannot have a shop appear in multiple locations, so you would need a new shop for each location.

I already answered this for another user, here is what I said

I managed to do it (disable hunger and thirst) with an if statement, so that ONLY superadmins (or above) get opted out of the hunger/thirst system. My method does modify base vRP scripts, so is not officially supported or recommended, but it does work. this is what I did…
Inside the survival.lua within the modules folder, locate the line that states:

function vRP.varyHunger(user_id, variation)

under this line, you will see an if statement. Directly BEFORE this if statement, add in the first line below (the second line is the original If statement, and is for reference only, do not copy it):

if not vRP.hasPermission(user_id,"superadmin.survival") then
>    if data then

Do not forget that ALL if statements need an end, so add an additional end to the section (this section ends after the – set progress bar data section).

Do the same thing in the thirst section. You would need to modify your groups.lua in the CFG folder to include the new right of “superadmin.survival” under the Super Admin section. This works like a charm for me, and I can run laps around the spawn in police station without getting hungry or thirsty.

If you want it disabled for all users, you can substitute “superadmin.survival” with whatever you want, like “citizen.survival” or what not, just make sure that right gets placed into your groups.lua, or it will not do anything as it only triggers, and bypasses the hunger or thirst system IF someone HAS the right assigned to them.

It looks like you want to disable it entirely, the easiest way would be to link it to a right (in your groups.lua in the CFG folder) that is given to the User group or the Citizen group. An example of an existing one would be “player.phone” as all users get this right.

I have not tried to disable the experience part, but I imagine it could work the same way…

Again, and as stated above, this method is not officially supported as it requires editing base scripts outside of the cfg folder, but is the only way I found to do so.