[Release] vRP_BankSecurity

Good job.
Small problem with bank money part though, useroldbmoney, bankmoney, shouldn’t they contain the user id? useroldbmoney[user_id], bankmoney[user_id] ?

Oh yes, you’re right. Sorry I must have overlooked that, it was a bit late when I posted the update. I will update it later today.

Updated the github with the fixed bank check.

I keep getting this error in the server console:

SCRIPT ERROR: @vrp_banksecurity/server.lua:28: table index is nil

Any ideas ?

It shouldn’t return nil as the function shouldn’t be called unless source has a value.

My bad, looking through the code i saw that i had this line commented out from testing.

canGiveMoney = vRP.hasPermission({user_id,"player.givemoney"})

Hello. Great release. But i’m hoping someone converts this to esx…

Meh, this isn’t really needed anymore anyway any Dunko vRP money exploits have been patched since from the main pack anyway. In reality it would of been better to fix the issue in the first place rather then make a hacky fix.

Of course the best solution is to fix the exploitable resources. But you’re also assuming people are just using the default scripts. This is still beneficial for people using exploitable nui resources. Again it should be resolved in the exploitable resource itself but this was made due to the demand for such things at that time.

Best solution is to have everything handled server side with validation checks on events/functions that are being triggered.