[Release] vRP_BankSecurity

This script checks the clients wallet every 5 seconds and to see if they’ve potentially exploited in

If detected it will automatically kick/ban them and send a notification to Discord, if enabled.

You can configure the script in server.lua

Configuration Options:
Kick/Ban Toggle
Amount of Money Over Set Value Trigger Kick/Ban.
Discord Webhook

There is a check to exclude if they have the permission “player.givemoney” so any admins with that permission will not be effected if they give themselves money thru the admin menu.

No need for screenshots, it’s self explanatory.

-Added Bank Check Toggle
-Added Bank Money Setting
-Fixed Issue with it comparing wallet/banks with other players.


OMG :smiley:

LIKE! good job

Soutien ESX?

Can I detect it in Bank Money?

You can modify it to check for the bank money, however from my experience, cheaters are not modifying their bank money like that because any of the exploitable resources only gives them cash (wallet) money. So setting it for bank money is not necessary.

Where do I put the permissions for people who have the “player.givemoney” group because I was testing it and banned being the owner LOL

By default this should be a permission under superadmin.

I have the permission, I don’t understand why the script gave me automatic ban LOL

I will test it again myself here in a few hours.

For the time being you can change vRP.hasPermission to vRP.hasGroup and change the group to superadmin. That should resolve that particular issue but I’ll know for sure when I test here soon.

Perfect I’m going to do the test too

I just tested it and I was not banned. So you must have your admin givemoney permission labeled as something else. What is the name of your permission for that function?

Also too please note that I only have it checking for that permission on PlayerSpawn. So if you join your server and start the script, it will not detect that you have that permission and you will get banned, you’d have to start the script before you join the server.

This is how I have my permissions, are they wrong or should I change something?

That looks fine, you have the “player.givemoney” permission there.

Did you start the script on bootup?

there is a exploit that gives players money to their bank.

Yes every time I make a change something I restart the server completely

Yes I experienced the issue you’re having when I had another player join I will be updating the code within the next day or 2 for the fix.

I can add a bank check as well for those that want it and a toggle to config it.

You could potentially just add 1000 every second, then your script wont do jackshit mate.

Also running a check that often (every 5 second) also seems a bit over the top. Lets say you have 100 users connected. :confused:

You’re 100% correct. If you wish to improve upon it I’ll push the update to the git.

And checking 1 small bit of data even with 100+ people connected shouldn’t be an issue as it should be triggered by the client and not every person at the same time (so the requests will be staggered) and not flood the server with requests all at the same time.

This script was a proof of concept in the sense that no one has even put anything remotely out about it so I figured it’d help out in some scenarios. It’s far from perfect, but could help someone out.

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I just updated the github with the most recent changes.