[Release] Vehicle Extra Menu

Hi all ! Can someone help me please ? I put the script in server.cfg and then resources , i start the server and in the console it tells me that couldn’t start the extra menu. Any help would be great because i can’t find a way to fix it. Thank you !

why is it when I open this I get mega game lag ?? (also time warning )

So this menu works wonderful when there is nothing in it. But once you go and put laggy cars in the menu it will draw the time warning. I highly suggest you optimize your cars first. Look through everything and TEST TEST TEST. Testing is very important. All of our cars at ValorRP are heavily tested and optimized. We take each car and rework the files and textures to ensure the vehicle will run smoothly for our clients.
I am just giving you a suggestion but yeah make sure the cars are good quality.:+1:


all my cars are good quality lol and I have also tried it with the normal futo still get mega lag

Then check your files and make sure nothing is interfering with thew resource.

i get this or some forum of this on extramenu,discordbot and LiveryMenu



Current Version: 2.1.3

Error running system event handling function for resource VehicleExtraMenu: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: Failed to execute thread: Server/Server.lua:14: attempt to concatenate a nil value (upvalue ‘NewestVersion’)
stack traceback:
Server/Server.lua:14: in local ‘userCallback’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:318: in upvalue ‘handler’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:219: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘error’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:41: in field ‘CreateThreadNow’
citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:218: in function citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:182

This script is brooken along with vehicle livery menu i was running this script for months havent added to my server and it just started giving an error and not working so please fix this script! The top error is the one for this script

I have it installed just like normal just stoped working no errors or anything

Hello! I installed this into my ESX server and I’m able to take extras off that the vehicle spawns with but its a hit and miss trying to get them back on. I know of a vehicle that has a lightbar and rambar and it doesn’t apply those extras… Anyone know of a fix? (Running on most recent release)

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Any ideas?
Used this for NativeUI https://github.com/iTexZoz/NativeUILua-Reloaded

Hey man have this on a ESX server. stands that the scripts is starting and up to date but can’t open it ingame and there is no massage. So what do I do?

So the script seems to work alright, but it won’t let you add back LEO lightbars, etc, once you remove them. Not sure why?

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You got any further with that? And maybe you would help? :slight_smile:

Having the same issue, not sure why either. I’m not getting any error codes in F8 or in my server console.

doesnt load up for me at all ingame, i press f9, key 56, nothing comes up in and out of car.

So when you load it up, it fails to load Client/Client.lua because the current version i downloaded has it as Client/client.lua , lowercase.

Weird that caused it not to load for you, mine was lowercase and it loaded just fine. Glad you were able to figure it out!

Im on Linux. So IT is casé sensitive.


Anyone have an idea to disable mouse integration ?

Thx for reply

do you know whats causing the screen to spin when opening the menu or selecting an opition