[Release] Street Label

Anyway of making it so it only displays when inside a vehicle?

I can’t seem to get this to work in server, saying it can’t load it. Installation was done properly, no luck please help. @lowheartrate

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Screenshot the folder, you must’ve done something wrong…

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Yea, add an if statement that checks if the ped is in a vehicle or not.

local playerPed = GetPlayerPed(-1)
if IsPedInAnyVehicle(playerPed, false) then
     --They're in a vehicle...
     --They're not in a vehicle...

I figured it out a few days ago, thanks for replying though bud!

How does one disable the default street names from GTA? You know, the text in the bottom right corner.

0.98ms is too much… rework it, when it’s “simple” script

Im getting an error Couldnt start streetLabel What am I doing wrong doesnt give me an error in the console but on fivem it says couldnt load resource and wont let me join in?

is it a bug on my side or is there a bug at

[‘GOLF’] = “GWC and Golfing Society”
and at the galileo park where the Vinewood Sign is. ?

the street labels just disapers on my screen when i get there

does anyone know how to set up like a area only so like if i wanted it lets say for instance you can only sell drugs in a certain area are you abler to set something like that up with this?

Works perfectly, great addition. Thank you!

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That has nothing to do with this resource. streetLabel is used for the lone purpose of the showing the player(s) on your server their location and direction they’re facing.

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someone told me it might have something to do with this they said to ask but thank you!

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How to off compas and move street label above radar?

Go into the config.lua you can change the position of the script there.

Hi, thanks for the amazing scripts but i wanna know if you can help me out with hiding the script when walking and appear when in vehicle?

I’m still new to this coding hope you can help me out.

I’ve just pushed an update to the github repository (http://github.com/lowheartrate/streetLabel) so you can now go into the config.lua file and set the checkForVehicle to true and it will only show the hud when players are in a vehicle!

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omg thank you so much ! really help me alot

ea seems like the streetlabel stop showing up in the new update not sure why. it wont show up when you inside vehicle or outside.

Not sure why you’re encountering that issue. I just tested in on my local server and seems to work fine. Make sure there isn’t a 2nd directory inside of your server-data/resources/streetLabel/. The resources folder should only contain the

  • __resource.lua
  • client.lua
  • config.lua