[Release] Streaming Notification Script (V1.0)

Streaming Notification Script (V1.0) - By MammothGaming

This is a script that notifies people when you are streaming in the server chat. This is my first FiveM script that I’ve made so please no hate! Thx


~ /stream – Runs a starting stream notification in chat
~ /stopstream – Runs a ended stream notifcation in chat

Future Plans

  • Providing a permission system included (Fax-Core, Steam HEX Perms)
  • Stream link provided in the chat message
  • Comment some more recommendations



Interesting script. But I like it because it’s unique

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Not really unique…its a basic command that sends a chat message. If it wasn’t like the 200+ other chat resources I would say so. If it detected streaming from the Twitch API then it would be unique.

Thank you! Im uploading scripts I used in my past server but plan to update them with new features as mention above!

I used in my past server but plan to update them with new features as mention above!

I have no issues with you releasing scripts from our old SAPDRP/ACRP/LLNW Community just all i ask is that you ask me before releasing any of the ones that i worked on.


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Its still just a chat command…

This script had nothing to do with anything done with any of the community. I wont be releasing anything from our old server files.

If it was actually checking the API for Twitch/YouTube whatever, that’d be noice.

This is just… a command?

@JakeK no need to be all cranky about it, he posted a script so respect it

Just chat command with print, nothing’s special.