[Release] pNotify - In-game JS Notifications Using NOTY

it works :slight_smile: thanks

Well, I’m glad I could help :+1:

If you steel need help, you should check this code:

if notify then
      local player = vRP.getUserSource(user_id)
      if player ~= nil then
          TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", dest_src,{
               text = lang.inventory.give.received({vRP.getItemName(idname),amount}),
               type = "info", 
               queue = "global", 
               timeout = 2000,
               Layout = "bottomRight",
               animation = {open = "gta_effects_fade_in", 
               close = "gta_effects_fade_out"}

Do you know how to make a line breake between this “from, msg” soo the message is on the next line ?

TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", dest_src,{
text = lang.phone.sms.notify({from, msg}), 
type = "success", 
queue = "global", 
timeout = 10000,
layout = "centerRight",
animation = {open = "gta_effects_fade_in", 
close = "gta_effects_fade_out"}

Sure, just change notify in your lang file, like this:

    sms = {
      title = "SMS History", 
      description = "Received SMS history.",
      info = "<em>{1}</em><br /><br />{2}",
      notify = "SMS from {1}: <br />{2}"

when {1} is phone number, {2} is message, <br /> is line skip, if you want to skip 2 lines, just set <br /><br /> before {2}

Thanks It looks much better now :slight_smile:

sometimes pNotify get stock on the screen is there a fix for this ?

I would like to set a transparent black adornment. How to do it ?

Getting error while connecting to server. No resource.

it says “couldn’t loud resource pNotify” someone can help with this?^^


The website is down at the moment trying to look at the options

how to change background color of notification. ?

Do you need noty to get this to work cuase im not geting it to work can’t join the server it on says Can’t load resource and i have check the spelling and all that stuff still get that problem

Anyone know how to make the font look less blurry?

I just want to swing by and say thanks for the relase +1 :slight_smile:

put pNotify folder under seatbelt folder


if IsControlJustReleased(0, 29) then
beltOn = not beltOn
if beltOn then TriggerEvent(“pNotify:SendNotification”,{
text = “Seatbelt On”,
type = “success”,
timeout = (3000),
layout = “bottomcenter”,
queue = “global”
else TriggerEvent(“pNotify:SendNotification”,{
text = “Seatbelt Off”,
type = “success”,
timeout = (3000),
layout = “bottomcenter”,
queue = “global”
}) end

Good to go

I change the keyboard button, you can keep as yours, Mine is “B” on the keyboard

Curious if anyone has used buttons with this and how to implement the buttons I know that NOTY supports buttons but can’t seem to get them to work anyone have any idea how to implement them?

One of the timeout options is ‘false’ to create a sticky notification.
Is there any way to then close it?

I am using esx_duty, i install pNotify and called it in server.cfg but couldnt load resource message coming up