[Release] pNotify - In-game JS Notifications Using NOTY

Try this instead.

TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", -1, {text = ItemsLabels[itemName] .. " bought",type = "alert",queue = "global",timeout = 3000,layout = "centerLeft" })  

As far as your code shows, the ESX-notification tells it should run a “TriggerClientEvent”, and you’re only trying to run a “TriggerEvent”.

Is there a way to make the text better quality


Hi, I have a question, can we stop the timeout before his end like a force stop ?

I have little question how to install this? I don’t know much about these scripts so can somebody help me? sorry for my bad english

Hi I may be doing something wrong, but for some reason when I put pNotify in start.cfg it wont load on my server, it keeps saying no resource found?

Can some one help please. Thanks

You need to look inside your pNotify folder, take the pNotify folder that’s inside it and make that the one that sits inside resources. That will resolve the issue.

Thanks for replying. I will try that.

I need help with the download, I cant load pNotify!

My server.cfg

Somebody help? //20char

Look like 2 comments up, is that the issue you are having? Just posing a SS of your server.cfg isnt helping.

Not working, I tested, Idk what the issue is

Same I have added it to resources and still not doing anything, I don’t know what else I need to edit? Could please someone help me out.

Thank you.

Hello, I’m trying to add pNotify to a script on my server. Would it be as simple as adding:

AddEventHandler("chatMessage", function(author, color, text)
	TriggerEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", {text = "test",
		type = "success", 
		queue = "global", 
		timeout = 4000,
		layout = "centerLeft",
		animation = {open = "gta_effects_fade_in", 
		close = "gta_effects_fade_out"}

to the end of the client.lua?

Would this be a server-side thing or client-side?

@leepafc2007 Do you have a script that is calling for a pNotifcation? if you dont have any scripts that call for the notifcation nothing will ever happen :stuck_out_tongue:

Try and add this script to your server.(as long as you still have pNoti installed)
pntest.rar (506 Bytes)
@BreadForMen try this as well. This should just go into a client lua. or you can DL the resource i uploaded and test it that way.

Heres the raw copy pasta
RegisterCommand('pntest', function(source, args)
		text = "<b style='color:#1E90FF'>This be a test</b>",
		type = "success",
		timeout = (3000),
		layout = "bottomcenter",
		queue = "global"

Be sure to add " start pntest " in your server.cfg

Once you are in game type " /pntest " then press Enter.

If you have pNotify installed right then a notification should pop up for you.


Ok thank you for your help, I will try this, I am still learning myself.


Any snippets to that script?

Can someone help me get this setup on my FX server, I need it to run the AnchorBoat Script found here:

[Release] AnchorBoat V1.3

It says it’s required before using the anchor script, but I couldn’t get either of these to work.
Any help would be much appreciated thanks!

How do I make notification with coordinates?

is there anyone who can tell me how to use this with pNotify

vRPclient.notify(dest_src,{lang.phone.sms.notify({from, msg})})

Try this
TriggerClientEvent("pNotify:SendNotification", dest_src,{
text = lang.phone.sms.notify({from, msg}), 
type = "success", 
queue = "global", 
timeout = 10000,
Layout = "bottomRight",
animation = {open = "gta_effects_fade_in", 
close = "gta_effects_fade_out"}
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