[Release] New Player Spawn Tutorial UI (Add a beautiful tutorial for your server!) [v1.2]

(RESOURCE FILE NAME MUST BE “tutorial” or spawn button won’t work!)

It was named that. Thanks for the top notch assistance.

I also have this problem, have you found a workaround?

everything works fine, but the load out thing at the end does not work for me. I’ve looked though most of the code and can’t find where it’s at. I was hoping to find a way to remove it. Any and all help is very much appreciated.
edit; after putting it on a test server it no longer has the loadout thing, so I’m confused lol.

who will help? after this training, I want to create a point of registration and create a character, the usual esx_edintity hangs

why not making it completely HTML and just using photoshop, that’s pretty stupid tho.

when someone first spaws in after the tutorial the identity creation freezes…any idea what would be causing this? They have to re-log to get it to work.

Hi Lord.Bob.Ross and thank you for your tip,

My home does not change anything, I put it as you write in the client esx_skin:

DeleteSkinCam () near line 157 (depending on your version / edits)


           menu.refresh ()




   function ()
     DeleteSkinCam ()

TriggerServerEvent (‘tutorial: firstspawn’) --NEW CODE



then I put on: local firstSpawn = true in /tutorial/server.lua

my once the identity and the skin create the tutorial menu does not open, did you find the solution?

I thank you in advance, Regards

need alittle help with this iv installed it and it kinda works but when I click spawn nothing happens any help would be great thanks

Have you read the description ?

RESOURCE FILE NAME MUST BE “tutorial” or spawn button won’t work!

so “fivem-spawn-tutorial” to just “tutorial”

yes just “tutorial” :smiley:

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thank you

Hello Everyone, I have a quick question, we are using the tutorial and also esx_identity, when we complete the tutorial it then spawns us with the identity mod but our mouse is not working and we are unable to complete registration, i see that some others have had the same issue, has anyone else found a way to fix this little hickup ?


Everytime i join this will show?


Superb script, very useful to force the players to read the essential rules before playing. I just love it !

However, I have a problem with esx_identity:
During the first spawn, the tutorial appears. No problem.
But when I click on spawn, esx_ identity appears but the mouse cursor is frozen at the top left of the screen. The player is stuck here

Any solution ?

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Delay the resource and make it spawn after esx_identity. Or just change your index.html in the esx_identity with <h1 NEW USERS STUCK ON THIS SCREEN TYPE /REGISTER </h.
But closing the h1’s completely.

Two simple work arounds

By the way been using this forever thank you for making this awesome tutorial…

Thank you for your answer.
I didnt understand what I have to do in the HTML file.
Have I to replace “NEW USERS STUCK ON THIS SCREEN TYPE” with something?

Edit: Sorry i didnt anderstand what you said. I’ll test if a /register fix the bug

in the click.lua, right before it triggers the first spawn add a citizen wait for 18000 or so

[ASK] when i try to be 1st comers to server, the Registration form and tutorial appears together. And when I finished to fill the form, I can’t choose Next on tutorial because the Mouse cursor gone. Can the Registration Form appears after Tutorial? or what is your suggest Guys ?

Thanks Before.

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