Captain14 hasn’t been active since 2017, afaik.

I used the pack that was posted here by @Deziel0495 and there was nothing about restrictions. So I am not sure if it applies. @Chip_W_Gaming @JakeK

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Made a big goof and uploaded the wrong one, it is fixed now.

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Doesn’t matter about who else put it on here. What matters is what the original creator says.

Alright, but it is not the same that Captain14 made, Deziel said nothing about us not being able to use it. So i used his.

Captain14 has not been active since late 2016 and I don’t see any problems as many (countless) others have posted his packs on the forums. So go nuts. Unless Captain14 came out of the dark and said to remove them that’s when I would take them down. Until them keep modding.


Thanks for the clarification! :grinning:

don’t take my word on it. That’s just what I think.

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Alright. (20chars…)

Is this an ELS pack?

No. It is ELS-Like not ELS. The patterns look like ELS, but it uses the default GTA ligting system, or you can install luxart vehicle control to press q to turn on lights.

I use MrDegrees ELS script which is why I ask.

Yea, I use his in combination with luxart.

I mean, sure you can have permission I guess to upload my liveries. Thanks for asking there bud… Good work, now link it to my download on LSPDFR.

I did link it under the credits section.

How would we go about making it so the license plates actually change and don’t have the generic image there? I see that it’s possible to actually change the plates in the vehicle settings (in-game), but obviously nothing happens. Thanks for the help!

Unless someone else replies I am unaware of how to change the licence plate.

A topic in #development:scripts was done on this a few days ago, take a checky there…

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Maybe I am blind or just don’t know what I am looking for, but I couldn’t seem to find the threads that would help me.

Look in the discussion section replied to one just before…