[Release] Los Santos Customs by Arturs

Besides reworking how it checks if the garage is locked or not, you could instead just set the garages to unlocked when someone leaves. The chances that someone is in one when someone leaves are pretty small.

Script is awesome, only issue is somehow it get locked bugged alot, only way to fix is with restart, any fixes?

Yo nice work for this script, it works , but is it possible to add a sql options to save modification, it will be awesome than es_carshop custom thing :smile:.

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Thanks a LOT for your script! I was trying to find out how to use vehicles mods functions.
Very nice job :slight_smile:

how do i make it so that they pay for upgrades i dont want people getting free upgrades, whenever i change the prices from saying 0 to my own price and i go to ls customs when i open the customs menu it dissapears and my car stays stuck in there and i can walk thru it. please me me


Did you ever figure out how to make people pay?

Any idea how to hide a menu completely if no tuning parts are available? For example if no spoilers are available, then hide the spoilers menu.

Do you mean when you go into lscustoms?

Iā€™ve gone through mine and changed all the prices from free but i need to figure out how to take the $$$ from peoples accounts. Also if anyone knows where i can get a list of parts so i can add the missing upgrades to it that would be appreciated.

Hi, nice work for your job guy.
I have a little issue, iā€™ve install this ressource, everything was working well, i had to re-install fiveM and now LSC are not on the map?
Iā€™ve search and i dont know why it doesnt.

Do you have an idea?

Hey good job man with this script BUT itā€™s possible i want pay this Los Custom i donā€™t want this free x) and SAVE this vĆ©hiculeā€¦

For those wondering, yes there is a way to save customization. You need to loop through all the mods (1 - 24), tyresmoke ect and save their value into a new SQL datatable. (Set all to default of -1, for tyresmoke set to 255,255,255)

Once you get those saved into the database you need to call them back whenever you spawn a personal vehicle (remember to do SetVehicleModKit(veh, 0) whenever adding mods)

I added in the ability to save mods into my server, but it took me 12+ hours because of all the things i had to change. It is possible, just takes time.

I am going to try and share my way of saving the mods to the database.

Do not think this is going to work for you as I might have missed something but this should help get people on the right track.

Good Luck.

For those who are lazy, like me, here is a rar with all the files. Save Mods.rar (51.1 KB) be sure to import the sql, and everything WILL BE IN ENGLISH


  1. buying car from modified shop (remember to replace the vehshop_s.lua file with the one from garages) inserts purchased car into user_vehmod table.

  2. Adding new trye smoke color tells server to update column

  3. changing mods at lscustoms changes mod data, when removed from shop tells server to update user_vehmods table with mod changes. (1-24)

  4. Spawning your vehicle in from garage tells server to get all mods from user_vehmods

  5. Client attaches mods to car on spawn.


dump.sql (2.8 KB) (Creates vehmod table for storing mod data)
Garage V3.0 - [Click]
es_freeroam (Before CouchDB move) - es_freeroam-master.zip (36.6 KB)


Install es_freeroam FIRST.

Make sure to follow Garages instructions and replace all files it asks, and make sure to create the sql tables it needs.

Double check all spacing after pasting!

in LSCustoms.lue - line 1478 - Replace (Tells garage/sever.lua to save to database)

function DriveOutOfGarage(pos)
	lsc.inside = false
	local ped = LocalPed()
	local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(ped)
        local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh)
        local colors = table.pack(GetVehicleColours(veh))
        local extra_colors = table.pack(GetVehicleExtraColours(veh))
       TriggerServerEvent('UpdateVeh', plate, colors[1], colors[2], extra_colors[1], extra_colors[2], mods)
       lsc.menu["frontbumper"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["rearbumper"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["exhaust"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["fenders"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["hood"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["rollcage"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["roof"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["skirts"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["spoiler"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["grille"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["main"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["bumpers"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu["chassis"].buttons = {}
       lsc.menu.from = 1
       lsc.menu.to = 10
       lsc.selectedbutton = 0
       local id = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(veh)
       SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(id, true)
       FreezeEntityPosition(veh, false)
       lsc.currentgarage = 0

in LSCustoms.lue - line 2134 - Replace - (tells garage/server.lua to save tyre smoke)

elseif string.find(button.name:lower(),'smoke')  then
            local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(car)
            TriggerServerEvent('VehUpdateTyreSmoke', plate, button.color[1], button.color[2], button.color[3])

IN FILE - Garages/Server.Lua - Add (Tells server to listen for these events)

  • Replace UpdateVeh with (adds saving mods to the DB with the built in function)
AddEventHandler('UpdateVeh', function(plate, primarycolor, secondarycolor, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor, mods)
  TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
    local mods = mods
    local player = user.identifier
    local name = name
    local price = price
    local vehicle = vehicle
    local plate = plate
    local state = "Removed"
    local primarycolor = primarycolor
    local secondarycolor = secondarycolor
    local pearlescentcolor = pearlescentcolor
    local wheelcolor = wheelcolor
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("Update user_vehicle Set vehicle_colorprimary='@primarycolor', vehicle_colorsecondary='@secondarycolor', vehicle_pearlescentcolor='@pearlescentcolor', vehicle_wheelcolor='@wheelcolor' where vehicle_plate='@plate'",
    {['@username'] = player, ['@name'] = name, ['@vehicle'] = vehicle, ['@price'] = price, ['@plate'] = plate, ['@state'] = state, ['@primarycolor'] = primarycolor, ['@secondarycolor'] = secondarycolor, ['@pearlescentcolor'] = pearlescentcolor, ['@wheelcolor'] = wheelcolor})
    for i,t in pairs(mods) do
        print('Attempting to update mods')
        if t.mod ~= nil then
           print("Mod#: "..i.." Value: " .. t.mod)
           local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("update user_vehmods set mod"..i.."='"..t.mod.."' where plate='"..plate.."'" )
  • Add (Tells sever to update tyre column in mods table)
AddEventHandler('VehUpdateTyreSmoke', function(plate, colorR, colorG, colorB)
    local cr =  colorR
    local cg = colorG
    local cb = colorB
    local plate = plate
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("update user_vehmods set tyresmoke='"..cr..","..cg..","..cb.."' where plate='"..plate.."'" )
  • Replace CheckForSpawnVeh (Passes mods to client)
AddEventHandler('garages:CheckForSpawnVeh', function(veh_id)
  TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)
    local veh_id = veh_id
    local player = user.identifier
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user_vehicle WHERE identifier = '@username' AND ID = '@ID'",{['@username'] = player, ['@ID'] = veh_id})
    local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'vehicle_model', 'vehicle_plate', 'vehicle_state', 'vehicle_colorprimary', 'vehicle_colorsecondary', 'vehicle_pearlescentcolor', 'vehicle_wheelcolor' }, "identifier")
      for k,v in ipairs(result)do
        vehicle = v.vehicle_model
        plate = v.vehicle_plate
        state = v.vehicle_state
        primarycolor = v.vehicle_colorprimary
        secondarycolor = v.vehicle_colorsecondary
        pearlescentcolor = v.vehicle_pearlescentcolor
        wheelcolor = v.vehicle_wheelcolor

      local vehicle = vehicle
      local plate = plate
      local state = state      
      local primarycolor = primarycolor
      local secondarycolor = secondarycolor
      local pearlescentcolor = pearlescentcolor
      local wheelcolor = wheelcolor
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("SELECT * FROM user_vehmods WHERE plate = '"..plate.."'")
    local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {'plate', 'tyresmoke','mod0', 'mod1','mod2','mod3','mod4','mod5','mod6','mod7','mod8','mod9','mod10','mod11','mod12','mod13','mod14','mod15','mod16','mod17','mod18','mod19','mod20','mod21','mod22','mod23','mod24' }, "ID")
    local tyrecolor = nil
    print (result)
    local mods = {}
        print("HAVE RESULT")
        for k,v in ipairs(result)do
            print("RESULT#: "..k.." VALUE: "..v)
            tyre = v.tyresmoke
            table.insert(mods, v.mod0)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod1)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod2)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod3)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod4)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod5)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod6)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod7)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod8)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod9)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod10)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod11)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod12)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod13)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod14)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod15)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod16)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod17)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod18)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod19)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod20)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod21)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod22)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod23)
            table.insert(mods, v.mod24)
            tyrecolor = tyre
    TriggerClientEvent('garages:SpawnVehicle', source, vehicle, plate, state, primarycolor, secondarycolor, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor, tyrecolor, mods)
  • IN FILE - Garages/Client.Lua - Replace SpawnVehicle (Gets mods from server, and adds)
AddEventHandler('garages:SpawnVehicle', function(vehicle, plate, state, primarycolor, secondarycolor, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor, tyrecolor, mods)
    local tyrecolors = tyrecolor
    local tyre =  {}
    local localmods = mods
    for word in string.gmatch(tyrecolors, '([^,]+)') do
        table.insert(tyre, word)
	local car = GetHashKey(vehicle)
	local plate = plate
	local state = state
	local primarycolor = tonumber(primarycolor)
	local secondarycolor = tonumber(secondarycolor)
	local pearlescentcolor = tonumber(pearlescentcolor)
	local wheelcolor = tonumber(wheelcolor)
		local caisseo = GetClosestVehicle(215.124, -791.377, 30.836, 3.000, 0, 70)
		if DoesEntityExist(caisseo) then
			drawNotification("Something is blocking the area.") 
			if state == "Removed" then
				drawNotification("This vehicle is not in the garage.")

				while not HasModelLoaded(car) do
				veh = CreateVehicle(car, 215.124, -791.377, 30.836, 0.0, true, false)
                for k, v in pairs(localmods) do
                    local t = k - 1
                    SetVehicleMod(veh, tonumber(t), tonumber(v))
                SetVehicleTyreSmokeColor(veh,tonumber(tyre[1]), tonumber(tyre[2]), tonumber(tyre[3]))
				SetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh, plate)
				local id = NetworkGetNetworkIdFromEntity(veh)
				SetNetworkIdCanMigrate(id, true)
				SetVehicleColours(veh, primarycolor, secondarycolor)
				SetVehicleExtraColours(veh, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor)
				SetEntityInvincible(veh, false) 
				drawNotification("Vehicle Retrieved.")				
				TriggerServerEvent('garages:SetVehOut', vehicle, plate)

IN FILE es_freeroam (Garages Dependence)/vehshop_s.lua - Replace BuyForVeh (Tells the server to add your car to the mod database)

AddEventHandler('BuyForVeh', function(name, vehicle, price, plate, primarycolor, secondarycolor, pearlescentcolor, wheelcolor)
  TriggerEvent('es:getPlayerFromId', source, function(user)

    local player = user.identifier
    local name = name
    local price = price
    local vehicle = vehicle
    local plate = plate
    local state = "Removed"
    local primarycolor = primarycolor
    local secondarycolor = secondarycolor
    local pearlescentcolor = pearlescentcolor
    local wheelcolor = wheelcolor
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("INSERT INTO user_vehicle (`identifier`, `vehicle_name`, `vehicle_model`, `vehicle_price`, `vehicle_plate`, `vehicle_state`, `vehicle_colorprimary`, `vehicle_colorsecondary`, `vehicle_pearlescentcolor`, `vehicle_wheelcolor`) VALUES ('@username', '@name', '@vehicle', '@price', '@plate', '@state', '@primarycolor', '@secondarycolor', '@pearlescentcolor', '@wheelcolor')",
    {['@username'] = player, ['@name'] = name, ['@vehicle'] = vehicle, ['@price'] = price, ['@plate'] = plate, ['@state'] = state, ['@primarycolor'] = primarycolor, ['@secondarycolor'] = secondarycolor, ['@pearlescentcolor'] = pearlescentcolor, ['@wheelcolor'] = wheelcolor})
    local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery("INSERT INTO user_vehmods set plate='"..plate.."'" )


That is freaking amazing dude, thanks for sharing that.

  • Is it on purpose though, that it doesnā€™t save headlights and neon-lights? Because I saw in the code, that there was no entries for that.

Either way, it works, and have been testing around with alot of cars, all comes out as saved :slight_smile:

yea i didnā€™t get around to adding it yet, i just did it a couple days ago :slight_smile:

Alright no worries man, you did a great job no matter what :smiley: - People canā€™t expect to get everything everytime, just wanted to ask and see ^^

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I did everything like you but once the car in the garage, I can not get it out :confused:

Working perfect thanks for share <3

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Try using the rar at the top of the comment and see if that works for you

can u store more then 1 car whit this ? just wondering :slight_smile: